World map for primary school children

Throughout Primary Education, children will make an approach to the world in which we live, something basic not only during the school stage but also for their life as adults. The knowledge of the world map for primary school children begins by making a first approach to the country where they live

Throughout Primary Education, children will make an approach to the world in which we live, something basic not only during the school stage but also for their life as adults. The knowledge of the world mapfor primary school children begins by making a first approach to the country where they live and then expanding their vision. Physical and political maps will coexist with them during their school years.

Little by little, children will learn about geography: oceans, rivers, seas, continents, countries, cities ... In we help you in this process so that your children can learn the world map in a fun and entertaining way.

Mapamundis for primary school children to learn

Map is a term that comes from the Latin word mappa that refers to a drawing that represents a territorial region. Generally, the maps are made on a flat element, although another way of learning the world map is through the globe, a spherical map that represents continents, countries, seas and oceans. In order to expand and print these world maps and your children to learn geography, you only have to click on the different maps. Political world map to print

Through this

political world map,

children will be able to familiarize themselves with the different continents and, above all, with the different countries and their capitals. You can teach your children through this map that there are two types of borders: natural and artificial. The natural ones use an element of nature as a mountain range or a sea to establish a limit. The second ones are imaginary lines that are drawn to delimit the countries. Territorial divisions have not always been the same and are often transformed on the basis of certain historical, political or economic events. World map of oceans and continents to print

How many oceans are there on earth? Through this

world map for primary school children, you can see how many are and where each one is located. In addition, you can use this planisphere to place the 57 seas that exist in the world.

Physical world map to print

Through this

physical world map for primary school children podrán, you can learn that this type of maps serves to know rivers, mountains, deserts and any other geographical feature. This way they can differentiate a political map from a physical one. These maps are made by cartographers and are represented using different colors that represent the altitude or depth of the terrain. For example, the mountains are painted in a darker brown color, the seas in light blue and the oceans in darker blue.

World map of the main rivers of the world to print

3.5% of the planet is fresh water, rivers, lagoons, streams or tributaries. Among all of them, there are some rivers that stand out above the others: because they are more plentiful, because they are very long, because they are very deep or because they pass through emblematic cities. In this world map for childrenyou will be able to detect the most important rivers in the world.

World map in black and white to print and fill

This world map for children is blank, so you can print it and let your child complete it. A great way to learn the countries, continents, seas and oceans.