The jumping frog. Short children's poem for reflection

Through the poems children can learn great lessons, and that is that stories, fables and other literary resources help the child to understand the world, to understand the things that happen to him, to learn about the feelings and to explore emotions. An example of this is this poem by Marisa Alonso

Through the poems children can learn great lessons, and that is that stories, fables and other literary resources help the child to understand the world, to understand the things that happen to him, to learn about the feelings and to explore emotions.

An example of this is this poem by Marisa Alonso Santamaría, The jumping frog, a short poem to reflect with children. And that is, it conveys a great lesson to children. Behind the verses there is a teaching for children: the differences between one and the other should not be an obstacle to friendship. Teach them to respect differences.

Short poem for reflecting with children: The jumping frog

The jumping frog is a short poem that teaches children not to judge others ahead of time, and less by their appearances, and to give them the benefit of the doubt, since in spite of the differences, a great friendship can arise.

On the river bank, ran two jumping frog,

play big jumps,

like good dancers.

They are having a good time,

they do not see a snake,

they look at them with envy,

very close to the current.

Cross from one shore to another,

the two scream when jumping,

and the snake approaches,

looking also to play.

When they see her approaching

the little frogs have laughed,

and jumping the three together

they have a lot of fun.