The importance of phosphorus in pregnancy

Pregnancy is an ideal time to take care of yourself and to improve your diet if, for reasons of time or organizational difficulties, we did not pay enough attention to it. Apart from folic acid, which is recommended to take from before becoming pregnant to avoid neural tube defects and other malform

Pregnancy is an ideal time to take care of yourself and to improve your diet if, for reasons of time or organizational difficulties, we did not pay enough attention to it. Apart from folic acid, which is recommended to take from before becoming pregnant to avoid neural tube defects and other malformations, it is not necessary to take vitamin supplements or disproportionately increase the calories that are ingested.

It is useful, however, to ensure a good supply of minerals and vitamins, since some micronutrients are vital for the development of the fetus. One of these important minerals in pregnancy is phosphorus.

Why it is important to take phosphorus in pregnancy

- Phosphorus is a mineral of great importance for brain development. In fact, several studies suggest that deficiencies of this mineral in the mother's diet are related to the risk of the baby developing a lower cognitive capacity and even neurological problems. In this intrauterine period, the addition of folic acid, iodine, and an adequate intake of essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6), which can be found in vegetable oils, nuts and some fish, are also crucial.

- Phosphorus not only contributes to the formation and functioning of cell membranes, which ensure that the appropriate nutrients enter the cells and the waste leaves it. In addition, helps these cells come together to form tissues.

- Also, and of vital importance during pregnancy, phosphorus is necessary for the formation of bones and teeth. Specifically, if the phosphorus for the bones of the fetus is not provided from the diet, and since the needs of the growing baby are the priority, the organism will obtain it from the maternal bones, so an adequate contribution ensures protection of the fetus. the bones of the mother.

- Another function of phosphorus is related to the muscles, with their functioning, and is also necessary for the reactions and processes by which the body obtains and uses energy.

Phosphorus in the diet of the pregnant woman

It is not necessary to take phosphorus supplements, since there are many foods that contain it, and their deficiency in phosphorus is, therefore, uncommon.

Foods that contain considerable amounts of this mineral are fish, especially salmon, but also white fish such as halibut or hake, meats, both poultry and veal or pork, eggs, whole grains and legumes, and, as a special mention, nuts, which are a source of valuable nutrients. In addition, milk and dairy products, such as cheese or yogurt, also provide phosphorus.

On the other hand, it has been observed that, in order for the absorption of phosphorus to be optimal, its intake must be in balance with the intake of calcium, and accompanied by vitamin D, so that milk and dairy products become the ideal source since they get the maximum advantage.