The value of prudence in children

We know that we must educate our children in values ​​so that in the future they have an ethical baggage to cling to. But do we know what those values ​​are that we must inculcate? One of the most important is prudence , that tool that will help them conduct themselves in life with common sense and

We know that we must educate our children in values ​​so that in the future they have an ethical baggage to cling to. But do we know what those values ​​are that we must inculcate? One of the most important is prudence, that tool that will help them conduct themselves in life with common sense and a certain measure of moderation.

How to inculcate the value of prudence in children

But if it is true that we wantprudent children conscientes, aware of the consequences of their actions, it is no less true that we have certain doubts about the limits of prudence. Is impulsiveness so negative that it neutralizes prudence? We talked about how to instill prudence to children without losing spontaneity.Although prudence is generally associated with a virtue from the religious sphere, it has nothing to do with beliefs. Prudence is what allows us to evaluate the

consequences that our actions may have on other people or on ourselves. Of course, it is one of those values ​​that we must inculcate to the smallest. Prudence is knowing how to keep quiet at the right time so as not to harm other people, not do certain things that could endanger our integrity or that of others, take precautions, think before speaking or think before acting. Thus, many people wonder to what extent a child should be taught to be prudent and avoid at the same time losing his

spontaneity and his innocence. The limits are diffuse because an excess of prudence can cause our children to grow up with too many fears, with too many worries and retain their emotions, something that is quite negative for a healthy development of any child. As always, the key to educating our children in prudence is

the example .Tips for children to be prudent


The best way to instill any value to our children is the example . If we act without measuring the consequences or the repercussions, we can not ask them to be prudent and restrained children.2.

Explain why we have made a decision so that they understand that before deciding we must assess everything that the situation entails. 3.

Read them stories or fables that exemplify the risks of being a imp reckless child , the damages that can be caused to oneself and to others. 4.

empathy is also necessary to live prudently. If we teach our children to put themselves in the other's place, they will act with others in mind. 5. There is no prudence without respect. Children must understand that certain acts have repercussions on others and that others are also important people. As important as them to us.

6. To frighten our children with apocalyptic warningsis not the best way to inculcate prudence, but we can remind them of the dangers to which they can expose themselves with too impulsive behavior.

Laura Vélez. Collaborator of