Bambi. Traditional children's story

The children's stories are ideal to encourage reading among children. A good time to instill the habit of reading is at the time of going to sleep. For this, parents have to share a reading time with our children and make them see that books are a very fun vehicle to travel through our imagination.

The children's stories are ideal to encourage reading among children. A good time to instill the habit of reading is at the time of going to sleep. For this, parents have to share a reading time with our children and make them see that books are a very fun vehicle to travel through our imagination.

In Guiainfantil we encourage you to read together with the little ones of the house the tender history of Bambi. With this story your children will learn the values ​​of friendship and love through reading, which will make them more and more interested in books.

Bambi. Classic story for children

Spring had arrived. The forest was very nice. The animals woke up from the long winter and everyone expected a happy event.

- 'The fawn is born! The prince of the forest was born! ", Announced cone the bunny Drum as he ran from one side to the other. All the animals went to visit the little deer, whom his mother put

the name of Bambi . The fawn stretched and tried to get up. His long, thin legs made him fall again and again. Finally, he managed to stay on his feet.Drum became a teacher for the little one. With him he learned many things while playing in the forest.

The summer passed and the dreaded winter arrived. Upon awakening one morning, Bambi discovered that the entire forest was covered in snow. It was fun to try to walk on it. But he also discovered that

the winter was very sad, because there was barely any food .One day he saw a group of older deer running. He was amazed to see the one in front of everyone. It was bigger and stronger than the others. He was

the Great Prince of the Forest .That day Bambi's mother was restless. He sniffed the room trying to discover what was happening. Suddenly, he heard a shot and told Bambi to run without stopping. Bambi ran and ran to the thickest of the woods. When he turned to look for his mother he saw that he was not coming.

Poor Bambi cried a lot .- 'You must be brave because your mom will not come back. Come on, follow me, 'said the Great Prince of the Forest.

Bambi had grown a lot when spring came. One day, while drinking water in the pond, he saw a dove behind him reflected in the water. She was beautiful and agile and they soon became friends.

One morning, Bambi woke up scared. From the top of the mountain he saw a hunter camp. He ran there and found his friend surrounded by dogs. Bambi helped him escape and they did not separate anymore. When spring came, Falina, that was the name of the doe, had two young . They were the children of Bambi who, with time, became the Great Prince of the Forest.

If you go for a walk in the forest, do not make the animals any evil. FIN