Bilingualism in the baby's brain

When is the best time for a child or a baby to start learning a second language? The introduction of bilingualism in the baby's brain has been the subject of numerous studies on the brain connections responsible for language in people. The brain is the maximum responsible in the ability to speak and

When is the best time for a child or a baby to start learning a second language? The introduction of bilingualism in the baby's brain has been the subject of numerous studies on the brain connections responsible for language in people. The brain is the maximum responsible in the ability to speak and understand what we hear. Knowing the brain times of babies, we can determine the best time to learn a second language. Neural connections for the language of the babySince the baby is born, the brain starts to build its reality

, and this reality is not the same in all babies, but it depends on what you discover around you in the next months and years of life. One of the most important points in the first years is the language. The brain, from the first minute of life, will begin to collect information about voices, noise, music ... All the environment of the baby will create a reality in his brain, which will prepare for the situations that he is living in that moment and that he knows .

But what happens ifsince the baby is born he listens to two languages ​​in a natural way?

In this case, the brain will create a reality different from the monolingual baby. In his world, it is usual to listen and speak in two languages ​​indistinctly, and this will be reflected by creating specific brain connections for the language. So the baby's brain will be prepared to access the information of both languages ​​at any time. In addition, the child will not make any effort, as it is normal for him. The brain connections for language begin to be structured from the third week of life

and are made based on the information collected by the brain of their environment, through the different senses. By age 3, most of the brain's language connections are already finalized. The brain of the baby who has been continuously exposed to two languages ​​will have differentiated two forms of communication, which will be used depending on who is addressing him (his father, his mother, his grandfather ...) and will have created the connections so that it does not involve effort something you have to do daily, speak in two different languages. It's what we really mean with bilingualism. Therefore, the best time to develop bilingualism is as soon as possible, to be able to be from the first day of life . Children between 3 and 8 years old also find it easier to learn another language and develop bilingualism. The reason is thatthe brain connections are very recent

and also the brain is still in a permanent state of learning, so that a 4 year old will find it easier to learn a second language than a 6 year old and so on . It is known that, in some cases, biling bilingual children begin to speak a little later than monolingual children . This is because the process of brain connections is more complex when the baby is involved in two languages, than when you only have to analyze and interpret one. In this case, it is not a delay in the process of learning the language, since it is the moment in which the baby is learning to separate and understand two languages ​​at the same time, and in 2 or 3 weeks the child goes to be able to understand and express themselves in two languages ​​unlike monolingual babies. On the contrary, it is a slower process, but it is a very important advance.