How to teach children to accept things

Children often have difficulty accepting the things that come and are not how they expect, this happens when it is not easy for them to tolerate frustration. It is important that children from very young learn to tolerate frustration so that they can cope in a healthy way with the circumstances of l

Children often have difficulty accepting the things that come and are not how they expect, this happens when it is not easy for them to tolerate frustration. It is important that children from very young learn to tolerate frustration so that they can cope in a healthy way with the circumstances of life.

Adults may also have difficulty managing frustration when personal goals are not met or met, something that can undoubtedly affect emotionally very negatively if this frustration is not handled properly and positively. With children it is the same, but the difference is that we as adults, we must and we know how to regulate our emotions, and the little ones need our guidance, help and example to learn how to do it.

What children feel when there is frustration

Emotions that are associated with frustration in both adults and children are usually: sadness, anxiety, anger and even sometimes, feelings of loss and confusion. If a child is taught to tolerate frustration, he will be taught the most important basis for life: face the problems of life and face them to find solutions.

Children should not be always pleased to never be frustrated, because we will be preventing them from knowing how to face life, something they need to be adults. You should guide him but never avoid the natural consequences. Consejos 7 tips to help the child overcome frustration

Children who have complications to accept frustration or things that come in life and are not what they expect, often have problems controlling themselves emotionally, are impatient and demanding, can have anxieties inappropriate for their age, are self-centered, low tolerance to frustration, etc.

What can you do as parents to help children learn to handle these situations? The most important thing is to avoid overprotection, not very permissive but not very authoritarian. You will also have to:

1. Maintain a positive thinking and set an example in the face of adverse situations.

2. Teach children to learn from mistakes and to see them as positive and an effective way of learning.

3. Do not avoid efforts to children, we must let them reach their goals with guidance but not solving everything. No 4. Never give in to your tantrums, blackmail or manipulations so that we solve things.

5. Teach him the value of perseverance and persistence before things. Ense 6. Teach the child to ask for help whenever he needs it and have exhausted his resources to try to solve the problem by himself.

7. Practice relaxation at home so that there is good harmony.

You should know that both adults and children, frustration and negative emotions that are generated from it are inevitable, but what really matters is learning to handle it to

face life in a positive way
