Snoring in pregnancy

If you have started to en snoring in pregnancy when you had never done it, do not worry, you are within 30% of pregnant women who do it. In the last months of pregnancy it is usual to snore, but you do not have to worry, normally those snoring are seasonal and will disappear when your pregnancy ends

If you have started to en snoring in pregnancy when you had never done it, do not worry, you are within 30% of pregnant women who do it. In the last months of pregnancy it is usual to snore, but you do not have to worry, normally those snoring are seasonal and will disappear when your pregnancy ends. In we tell you the reason for those unpleasant snores in pregnancy and what you can do to mitigate them.

Snoring in pregnancy

Snoring in pregnancy is usually caused by this torrent of hormones that is released during pregnancy.

Estrogen levels increase causing a relaxation of the respiratory tract; On the other hand, the increase in blood flow, which is usually between 30 and 50% more than usual, causes the mucous membranes of the nose to swell, leaving a narrower passage to the air. Do not forget that, especially in the second and third trimesters, the weight gain and the volume of the gut increase so much that falling asleep in the usual way is almost impossible, that is why pregnant women adopt strange postures that add an extra to the possibility of suffering those annoying snores.

A curious fact is that it reveals that, with weight gain, fat increases in the neck and throat, which causes a narrowing of the airways. This, together with the fact that this same increase in weight exerts a pressure on the diaphragm, causes the breath to be restricted significantly.

Although it is not dangerous and does not affect the baby, it must always be ruled out that there are other related pathologies such as asthma, diabetes, hypertension, obesity or sleep apnea, which do need medical surveillance because they can affect the natural growth of the fetus.

What can we do to avoid snoring during pregnancy?

1- Try not to take too much weight in pregnancy.

2- Do the digestion before going to bed.

3- Ventilate the rooms well and, if necessary, use a humidifier.

4- Raise the head with a double pillow or sleep more incorporated than usual.

5- Do not sleep on your back.

6- Do not drink caffeinated beverages because they narrow the respiratory tract, maintain a healthy diet and practice sports.

7- If the snoring causes your partner to end more than one night in the chair, there are strips that widen the nasal passages, or use a mandibular advancement device, which helps to move the jaw slightly and facilitates the introduction of air.

Quiet, most likely, if you did not snore before, is that the snoring disappear after pregnancy.