Motivation: a key value for the success of children in studies

The reason for a child to make an effort is usually the interest for what he can get. As a teacher I have often asked myself what is what leads a student to succeed in studies, that is, to enjoy learning, to have good grades, to be able to advance in their learning and maturation. Time and again I h

The reason for a child to make an effort is usually the interest for what he can get. As a teacher I have often asked myself what is what leads a student to succeed in studies, that is, to enjoy learning, to have good grades, to be able to advance in their learning and maturation. Time and again I have found that there are some fundamental values ​​present in this possibility. In we want to talk about one of thesebasic values ​​for children to succeed in studies: motivation.

Basic value in the education of children: motivation

When a child is motivated, he is able to strive with all ease and pleasure to achieve his goal. Think of the weekend mornings that we accompany you to football training or other outdoor activity, with frost or very hot, and participate so happy without caring about those conditions. And is that

the main motivation of a child is to have fun, enjoy.

We, as parents, would like that motivation to be present in the studies

. So, what can we do to get closer to this goal? Let's review some possibilities. How to awaken in children the value of motivation to study1. Point out the benefits of studying:

We can talk to our son about the achievements that are achieved with training. Commenting on our positive experiences often has a good impact on children. If we have studies that have led us to have a profession, we can explain how useful they have been to get that job. If our studies have nothing to do with our profession, we can tell you about the specific moments that helped us obtain something that we needed or that we were interested in. For example, when we take out the driver's license, and we tell him that thanks to what we study, today we can drive a car well.

We can also take advantage when the child talks to us about his future profession, doctor, computer or other professions in which an academic training is needed; That is a good time to remind him that everything he will learn to practice this profession will be great. And we talk about how good it will come to learn now, for example, the parts of the body. Even if we know someone that our son admires and has studies, let's highlight the fact that his achievement has been thanks to his knowledge. The idea to transmit is that the interest in learning can not bring you more than benefits in life and we point out those advantages in specific examples or people. Ab 2. Address the difficulties in the study:

Sometimes our children feel rejected to a certain subject and it is important to sit down with him or her to talk about what is happening. Simply doing this, surely is a great relief for the child whenever we go with the attitude of solving. Our goal is to let you know that you have our support to carry out the effort. We offer you our support both to listen to your feelings in the face of obstacles and to provide you with these specific solutions. Among the latter can be found, for example, help you do your homework if necessary. Now, it is important that we do not do our homework, and that we do not believe in dependence on that help either. Our role is to guide you so that you can carry out the tasks autonomously, concentrating on making you feel your competence and that you have achieved it by yourself.

Another important point is to detect if you have any learning gap in the matter. Teachers usually advise very well on this aspect, and then maybe we see if you need some kind of reinforcement. Autom 3. Self-motivation as a way to apply effort:

It is about getting the child to notice the pleasure of checking his own achievements: "How did you feel when you got the exercises right?" We can ask him or we can comment on something like: "What did you feel good about trying and getting it?" In our interaction with the child, our message to convey is "you are capable and I value your effort" as well as making it clear you have our support.

Tips to encourage self-motivation of children through studies

- Highlight their self-improvement.

In the face of difficulties, we remind him of the times he had difficulties and made an effort and he got it: "It was very good that, although you did not want to study the rivers, you started doing it and now you feel good about having learned them"

- Emphasize the congratulations of their teachers

, in addition to giving us ours before a good grade or for the well done tasks. The focus here is always to highlight the value of your work and your effort.

- Help you organize . Make the moment and the place of study a pleasant experience. Let us ensure that the place where our son is studying is comfortable and quiet; also have a schedule according to their activities. Children like to have habits and routines because it gives them security to know what they have to do. Para - Finally, we can always focus on

highlighting the favorable evolution of our son both personally and to other peoplewho ask us in front of him. Our words and attitudes of satisfaction, as well as the support they feel we give them in terms of their training, constitute the greatest incentives for them to develop that motivation in their studies.