Parents too strict. Consequences for the child

There are many parents who think that when you have a strict upbringing at home, children will have a better behavior and their education will be correct. But the reality is another very different, since children do not need negative authority or punishment to be able to behave well, a too strict up

There are many parents who think that when you have a strict upbringing at home, children will have a better behavior and their education will be correct. But the reality is another very different, since children do not need negative authority or punishment to be able to behave well, a too strict upbringing will only cause children to have low self-esteem and to create behavioral problems, that is, everything What you want to avoid with an authoritarian and strict parenting style is what you get. Consecuencias 7 consequences for children of a strict upbringing


They do not internalize responsibility. The limits in excess will make children unable to control their behavior by themselves, so they can not learn to regulate themselves. Exaggerated rules will only get children to resist fulfilling them and taking responsibility for themselves. Self-discipline can only be achieved with limits based on love and respect, and never on imposition.2.

Low self-esteem. Low self-esteem or having complexes appears due to the feeling that they are not being heard by their parents at any time, they think that their opinion does not matter or that their ideas are respected. It seems that what they have to say is not important. 3.

Children can become aggressors. Children learn and live what they see, so if they learn what they need to fear to do things right they will learn to intimidate others in order to get what they want. If you scream at him, he will scream, if you use force, he will also. 4.

They can not trust others. The basic trust in parents is essential for there to be a good bond between parents and children, if this trust does not exist, children will find it difficult to believe in others, something that will seriously harm their social skills. Children will think that for their parents to love them, they must win by establishing norms and limits, so they may think that everyone is selfish and that everything has a price. 5.

Passive attitude towards life. It is possible that children have a passive attitude towards life and therefore do not take responsibility as something important. Children learn with a strict parenting style that everyone has a fixed place and adopt an attitude of submission to leaders or systems of authority. They feel that they are not responsible for their own life. 6.

Tendency to anger and depression . This authoritarian parenting style will make children feel that their thoughts are not valued and that their parents are not at their side to handle difficult feelings or to learn to behave well. Feeling lonely and emotionally abandoned may have anger and depression.7.

They are more rebellious. There are studies that show that children who are raised with a strict parenting style are more angry and more rebellious when they reach adolescence because they can not have the necessary tools to regulate emotions and behavior. Young people will behave in an exaggerated way when they think someone is trying to tell them what they have to do.