Fights between brothers: 3 keys to stop them

There are brothers who fight absolutely for everything, for a toy, for the control of television, for being the best, because mom loves them more, for entering the first ones at home ... To start a fight, any excuse is valid. Conflicts between brothers are part of everyday life in homes where there

There are brothers who fight absolutely for everything, for a toy, for the control of television, for being the best, because mom loves them more, for entering the first ones at home ... To start a fight, any excuse is valid. Conflicts between brothers are part of everyday life in homes where there are brothers. These are fights that tend to happen very little when the children are small but begin to intensify around the age of 6. Sometimes they are only small quarrels or disagreements, but in others, children come to serious threats and even to their hands. Claves 3 keys to stop the fights between brothers


Guiainfantil.comwe are going to tell youwhy they fight, how to stop those fights and, above all, we clarify if you have to intervene or not.1- Intervene or not intervene in sibling fights?

That's the big question. Some specialists explain that it is preferable to let them solve their own problems without mediating, that we do not get involved. They affirm that it is preferable not to position oneself, not reach the middle of a fight and take sides because we can make mistakes and give the reason to those who do not. Ask them to fix their differences themselves and, if they are not able, each one to play separately until they learn to be together, you will see how they are looking to be together again.

In any case, if the fights end with physical aggressions, then if it is essential to intervene, but not to do it with shouting or physical violence, do not give a whip to one for hitting the other. Remind them that a fundamental rule is not to hit and that when they do they can not continue playing and that will have a consequence

2. Why do my children fight?

It is important to ask this question in order to tackle conflicts. In many cases it will be due to the same coexistence, but in others, jealousy is responsible. If one of the brothers feels like a dethroned prince, it is convenient: Ded - To dedicate the same time to each brother for one does not feel displaced.

- Ask for the collaboration of the eldest to help us with some tasks of the baby and thus make him a participant. Y - And, above all, instead of turning the day into a host of reproaches, scolding, shouting or anger towards one of the children, use a lot of positive reinforcement, that is, praise their successes no matter how small they may be. The children's response to it is spectacular.

3- How to prevent conflicts between siblings?

To avoid conflicts, we must stimulate the fraternal bond between brothers, give them the opportunity to learn to get along, how?

- We can make games and activities in family, for example parents against children, either in a board game in which they have to collaborate to win the game.

- Create an open dialogue in the family, not to be constantly chided by the other, but to know how each child feels and what we should reinforce.

- Create rules and limits that are clear to each brother, so they know what will happen in those cases in which a fight gets out of hand.

One final advice

: assume the conflict between brothers as something natural, do not turn your back on the problem, but do not make it a central theme in your house either.