6 Reasons for children to drink fruit every day

Following the recommendations to limit the consumption of sugar in childhood, and seeing how many recommendations suggest that fruit should also be avoided, we will list the benefits that this has and which are the options to choose as usual, and which are best to consume only in small quantities. 6

Following the recommendations to limit the consumption of sugar in childhood, and seeing how many recommendations suggest that fruit should also be avoided, we will list the benefits that this has and which are the options to choose as usual, and which are best to consume only in small quantities.

6 benefits of fruit in the diet of children

1- The fruit contains vitamins, especially water-soluble since its fat content, except for some fruits such as coconut or avocado, is minimal. Two large groups can be made, fruits rich in vitamin C, such as citrus, strawberries or kiwi, and those rich in vitamin A, such as peach or apricot. It also contains minerals, mainly calcium and potassium, and magnesium or iron, important for growth. The banana is especially rich in potassium and magnesium, which in addition to the bones, is essential for the functioning of the muscles, so that they develop and function normally.

2- The fruit also contains fiber, although a large amount of it is found on the skin. The skin of fruits can, nevertheless, have rest of chemical products that have been used during their cultivation, fertilizers, fungicides or pesticides, reason why it is convenient to avoid it.

3- The sugars contained in fruits are small sugars, mainly fructose, but also sucrose and glucose, easily and quickly absorbed, but which provide energy immediately por, so they are very useful to recover after physical exercise, such as a football game or a ballet class. The sugar content of the fruit varies approximately between 5% that fruits rich in water, such as watermelon, melon or strawberries, can have, at 20% that can be found in bananas, with a lower water content.4-

The fat that fruits contain in general is healthy fat , although minimal. Avocado, however, contains just over 15% of fat, monounsaturated in the form of oleic acid, but coconut, whose percentage in fat exceeds 50%, contains mainly saturated fat in the form of palmitic acid.5- In most cases,

fruits have a very high water content , reaching 90% that watermelon can contain, for example, which makes them an ideal way to hydrate our children especially when it's hottest, in summer and in the pool.6-

Depending on the color of the fruit, its phytonutrients will have different properties , but all of them are beneficial for health, and for our children.The fruit is not only sugar, it is much more, and it is better to judge it as such, as a whole, since it contains an infinity of beneficial properties that change the general perspective, showing its benefit compared to its sugar content.

It is convenient to limit the consumption of those with a high content of sugar, such as bananas, figs or grapes, and coconut, because of their saturated fat content. For the rest, fruits can not only be part of the diet of our children, but should be part of it.