Why chicken broth is good for the cold

Chicken broth is the faithful ally of grandmothers and mothers to improve the mood of our body in the face of a cold. But, what makes you so healthy and effective? Faced with situations of colds or seasonal flu, this dish offers interesting medicinal and natural therapeutic properties as revealed by

Chicken broth is the faithful ally of grandmothers and mothers to improve the mood of our body in the face of a cold. But, what makes you so healthy and effective?

Faced with situations of colds or seasonal flu, this dish offers interesting medicinal and natural therapeutic properties as revealed by numerous scientific studies.

10 benefits of chicken soup against the cold

It is not known if it is about the effectiveness of any of its components or the sum of all of them. What has been found is that its fundamental ingredients: chicken, onion, celery, carrots, potatoes, salt, pepper or parsley, provide multiple benefits for our health: Ofrece 1- Offers a

action anti-inflammatory that helps fight the discomfort we suffer in situations of colds or flu, especially in the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Además 2- It also contributes to keeping mucous membranes moist

due to the intake of liquid we drink from a chicken soup. Propor 3- Provides through its ingredients iron and zinc , which are of great help to combat the discomfort of our body as it strengthens our immune system.

4- According to some studies, it also contributes to reducing blood pressure. El5- Chicken broth according to other studies, can improve the function of the cilia (the tiny hairs in our noses) that

prevent the viruses that enter the body. Tom 6- Drink chicken broth de easy to digest, so even if we have no appetite to take it gives us energy and protects our stomach. 7-Reduces joint pain

and general malaise. 8- Help

sleep, a often an arduous task complicated by breathing difficulties, coughing or pain caused by colds such as the flu. 9- Chicken soup also favorsexpulsion of secretions

and phlegm generated in catarrhal processes. 10- Taking it warm, the chicken soup also brings a nice feeling of well-being
