The stage of imitation of children

Parents are the best model for children and the children of the house imitate everything that adults do, because they learn to develop in the world around them. First they look and observe, then they learn and finally they imitate . For this reason it is so essential to monitor behavior and behavior

Parents are the best model for children and the children of the house imitate everything that adults do, because they learn to develop in the world around them. First they look and observe, then they learn and finally they imitate. For this reason it is so essential to monitor behavior and behavior by adults and thus be a good reference for children in the house.

Imitation allows children to learn socially and that is why they do it, it offers them the opportunity to master new skills that their parents already do. In addition, imitation helps not only to learn social skills, but also helps to enhance empathy.

What things children imitate

Children imitate words, gestures, expressions, questions, answers, emotions, routines, hobbies and everything they see daily at home ... whether it is positive or negative.

For example, if at home you are always told words like "ñamñam to eat", they will repeat it. If you listen to "chiquitin", "sweetheart" they will too. And the same happens with other types of words or words that can be said at home habitually, so it is advisable to take good care of the vocabulary potencia and enhance that which is appropriate. The same happens with the way we react, if we react before something scary, children will learn to react in similar situations. I would also like to emphasize that moods also play an important role in children because it greatly influences them. Have you ever been angry and your child has also been very irritable? Or perhaps on another occasion you have felt enormously happy and your son has been calm and happy? It is very important that as parents, we take good care of the state of mind we have and try to make the emotions we transmit positive, because our children will feel what we feel.

Let me imitate you and be a good role model for your child

For all the comments, children since they are babies imitate and you can take advantage of this natural human resource for the benefit of your child, enhancing their curiosity and their innate desire for to learn. - If you want me to copy something, have me look directly and say what you want me to imitate.- If you want him to notice you, you will have to stand because it is the way they will pay more attention. No - Do not try to imitate anything while doing other things, you should pay attention to learn the behavior. No - Do not force him to imitate you, it must be a natural process, just repeat often what you want him to learn.

- The symbolic game is very important in the stage of imitation of children. You can play "cook" with your toys, "clean the house", etc.

- As parents, always try to be relaxed and happy because it will be the best way to learn from you. Whenever you do something right, let them know with praise and affection.

The stage of imitation of children

is a very important stage in their development

because it helps them to learn. From an early age, children begin to imitate their parents or caregivers, something that will make them learn important lessons in their minds. Lessons that can be negative or positive, but which they will imitate later.