Table of tasks a child can do according to their age

Parents tend to consider our children babies for much longer than they really are . We take on tasks such as making them bed, picking up their toys or preparing their clothes even when they could do them themselves without any problem. Far from helping them, we are hurting them with this kind of att

Parents tend to consider our children babies for much longer than they really are. We take on tasks such as making them bed, picking up their toys or preparing their clothes even when they could do them themselves without any problem.

Far from helping them, we are hurting them with this kind of attitude. We do not let them be autonomous, grow, learn or be independent. What's more, we also hurt ourselves, because in addition to the tasks of work and those of home, we do those of children, filling us with stress, the great evil that plagues our parents. To avoid this, in we suggest this table of the tasks that a child can do according to their age.

Homework tasks for children to help at home according to their age

The Montessori method, recognized by experts from all over the world, has as a pillar to achieve the autonomy of the child. In addition, experts, pedagogues and psychologists advocate the same. Children can dress themselves, tie their shoes, pick up their room, set the table, load the dishwasher, make their bed ... Parents, on many occasions we do not demand these household chores from the children and it is we who we are lazy and not responsible.

However, in order for a child to be responsible, we must provide him or her with the ability to be autonomous, be able to do his or her homework, and do it well. However, we can not require a 2-year-old boy to make his bed, or a 4-year-old to take the dog for a walk. It is important to take into account the age or maturational moment of the child to demand responsibility.

we have created this household chores chart that shows what tasks you can ask your child according to their age. Oh, and do not wait until tomorrow, your son can start today, print it and remember it every day. Print the task table that your child can do

How to get the children to comply with the homework table


task table

is inspired by the Montessori table, however, in we have adapted it according to our experience and that of the experts we have consulted. Making them comply can be a difficult task, but it will not be if we are consistent and carry out these tips: - Positive reinforcement : It is very important that we remind our children how well they are doing household chores. Praising and praising the child's work has a spectacular impact on him. Exp - Explain how the tasks are done:

we can not take for granted that they have to know how to do them, we must teach them how to store their toys, how to fold their clothes or how to scrub pots. Accompanying them and guiding them in the tasks of the home is fundamental.- To be an example

: if we are disorderly, we leave our tasks for tomorrow or we protest every time we have to carry them out, the children will imitate our behavior and they will become lazy. Ten - Take into account your child's ability no: you do not have to be faithful to the homework table we have prepared, you can create your own taking into account your child's abilities and abilities. Maybe he's capable of more at age 5, or you have to lower the bar.