Differences between epidural and spinal anesthesia in childbirth

Surely from the moment you got pregnant you began to imagine what your delivery would be like; there is no woman who does not feel fear of pain the first time. So epidural and spinal anesthesia have been a relief for millions of women in the world . These anesthetics are used to desensitize the midd

Surely from the moment you got pregnant you began to imagine what your delivery would be like; there is no woman who does not feel fear of pain the first time. So epidural and spinal anesthesia have been a relief for millions of women in the world.

These anesthetics are used to desensitize the middle and lower parts of the body blocking pain. Although they are mainly used to eradicate the pain of labor and dilation, they are also used for interventions of the urinary tract, kidneys, legs and feet, since they pose a lower risk to health than general anesthesia. So what is the difference between them? Basically each one is used for different interventions.

Epidural anesthesia and spinal anesthesia to relieve labor pain

The two are introduced into the body through a puncture in the back, but the difference is that, while the epidural is placed around the spinal cord, in a layer thick called the dura mater; The spinal column is inoculated into the dura mater, that is, into the spinal cord or spinal space (hence its name).

This, which may seem a bit complicated to understand, translates into two different behaviors of anesthesia:

1- The epidural needs to go through that thick layer of the dura, which just needs more anesthesia so that take effectand more time for it to penetrate. Normally it usually takes effect in about 20 minutes, and its scope is greater in time. Sometimes a catheter is placed in the area through which more anesthesia can be provided when the effects decrease, this makes it the most used at the time of delivery since the dilation lasts several hours. Por 2- On the other hand, spinal anesthesia, when introduced directly into the spinal space, takes effect immediately

, requires less quantity of product and its effect is of short duration, so it is usually used for shorter interventions such as they are cesareans. The risks in both are similar:- Allergic reactions.

- Difficulty urinating.

- Low blood pressure.

- Infection in the spine.

- Neurological damage.

- Convulsions.

- Headache strong.

Side effects occur rarely and are always much less than what a general anesthetic requires.