How to stimulate the baby's babbling and language acquisition

Through language, the baby expresses feelings and ideas to us . When they are younger they use the language of gestures , indicating what they want, and sometimes, they accompany it with a babble or a word. The child will acquire language throughout childhood. They are not able to say any word, but

Through language, the baby expresses feelings and ideas to us. When they are younger they use the language of gestures, indicating what they want, and sometimes, they accompany it with a babble or a word. The child will acquire language throughout childhood.

They are not able to say any word, but they can already communicate with us, they know how to express themselves since they are born; first crying, and little by little, with sounds and emissions. When they are a little older, babies begin to use gesture language and, in other cases, we can also help them communicate through sign language.

Sounds are the basis of the baby's language

- From 0 to 6 months, babies produce sounds that are the basis of language. During this stage, the best advice for parents is to talk to them and begin to establish turns of speech, so when we speak to them, they will listen to us and when we are silent, they will begin to make sounds.

- From 6 to 9 months, they already have a clear repertoire of sounds (baba, nana, gaga ...). At this moment they begin to assimilate the specific sounds of their language, and around 8 months they begin to learn words. De - From

9 to 12 months, the babies continue with the babbling and say a word, respond to their name and understand simple orders. Near the year, the baby will use about three words with meaning. De - From 12 to 18 months

they say about three words, and recognize body parts and know their name. Around 14 months they will begin to repeat words they hear, and they will start with the 'NO'. They understand around 200 words. - From 24 to 30 months

, do not be silent !! They talk most of the time and build sentences of up to four words. - From30 months to 3 years

they understand almost everything they are told, they interact with adults, they love to ask why? The development of the language of babies We must bear in mind that each child has its own maturational development and not all evolve the same.

At the beginning, the language is very limited, since his first words refer to familiar topics to the child, related to their closest environment 'mom', 'dad', 'water'; little by little, you will begin to have a wider vocabulary.

We must also bear in mind that the child not only communicates verbally, they are also born gesticulators. For example, when they want to go in their arms, they raise their arms so that we take them, if they do not want something, they say it with their finger, if they want to show us something, they point it out to us ...

Tips to stimulate the language of babies

We must stimulate the acquisition of language from very young, as they are sponges and learn what we show them. It will be good for them:

- Talk to them and tell them what you do, even if they are very small

- Sing songs and read stories

- Establish eye contact when we talk to them
- Accompany your words with gestures
- Change the tone of voice Al - Praise him when he says something good
- Take advantage when you play with him to teach him new vocabulary (colors, animals ...) Ens - Teach him onomatopoeias of animals