Transvaginal ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy

Ultrasound is a diagnostic technique of the most used today in the field of medicine. It serves to visualize the organs and internal structures of the body live. In addition to traditional ultrasound, a transvaginal ultrasound can also be performed during pregnancy. We tell you what it is and what k

Ultrasound is a diagnostic technique of the most used today in the field of medicine. It serves to visualize the organs and internal structures of the body live.

In addition to traditional ultrasound, a transvaginal ultrasound can also be performed during pregnancy. We tell you what it is and what kind of data it collects.How an ultrasound is performed

A small transducer is used: a hand-held device for directing high-frequency sound waves (not radiation) to the organ you wish to explore. The sound waves collide and bounce against the different tissues of the body and are picked up by the same transducer. A computer processes reflected sound waves and converts them into images.

The transducers that are used can be supported on the skin, such as abdomen, joints, etc. Or, to be able to visualize certain areas of the body, they can be introduced by different parts such as mouth (transesophageal), anus (transrectal), vagina (transvaginal). The latter is widely used by gynecologists for women's explorations.

What does a transvaginal ultrasound assess?

It is a test used to see the woman's uterus, ovaries, tubes, cervix, and pelvic area at any time during her life.

During the time of pregnancy, it is also the method of choice in the ultrasound of the first trimester. Some of the reasons for submitting the woman to this test, in addition to the routine control, would be:

- Abnormal findings on a physical examination, such as cysts, tumors or other neoplasms.

- Abnormal vaginal bleeding and menstrual problems.

- Infertility study.

- Ectopic pregnancy.

- Pelvic pain.

- Myomas.

Does transvaginal ultrasound need special preparation?

Some ultrasound scans require that the patient arrive with a certain preparation: full bladder, fasting, etc. However for this ultrasound it is not necessary to come prepared in any way.

Upon arrival, this will be what will happen, after doing the anamnesis (medical history, background, reason for consultation):

- Undress from the waist down.

- Lie on the stretcher, placing your feet on the stirrups.

- The gynecologist will place a probe cover, and

apply a gel to facilitate the passage of the waves. - When introducing the probe into the vagina, it is important that you try to relax (take a deep breath, and when releasing the air try not to be tense). It is not painful, but it can be annoying for some women, especially if being nervous tense muscles of the pelvic floor.

- The doctor will study your internal organs, assessing normality or looking for any alteration.

Ultrasound is a harmless technique for women and in the case of pregnancy for the fetus as well.

It provides a lot of information, and it is extremely useful in the field of medicine . So surely at some point in your life you will be subjected to one.