My son falls a lot, is it normal?

Each child is a world. Just as there are some children who are very early in the development of speech, others take a little longer, the same happens with the development of walking. For example: some children know how to walk at 10 months, and others only get it at 16. In any case, it is one thing

Each child is a world. Just as there are some children who are very early in the development of speech, others take a little longer, the same happens with the development of walking. For example: some children know how to walk at 10 months, and others only get it at 16.

In any case, it is one thing for them to be able to take their first steps and quite another is for their ambulation to be stable. To walk without falling, you need many hours of practice. Let's move on to solve some of the most frequent doubts in this regard.

Doctor, my son falls frequently, why?

At what age do children learn to walk?

On average, between 12 and 15 months.

Is it normal for small children to fall frequently?

Yes, it's completely normal. Like any other skill, you need to practice and practice, so that the skill manifests correctly. The first steps are given with a broad support base (the child makes a "duck march", with the legs separated, and with a "wobble" component). Also, they are somewhat insecure. The child needs to correctly calculate the distance to a point of support, calibrate its strength ... And that takes time.

At what age do I have to worry if my child does not walk?

If your child is 18 months old and is not able to walk autonomously, you should consult your trusted pediatrician. He will need to evaluate the child's history, as well as his tone, strength and neurological development.

At what age do they learn to go up and down stairs, jump and run?

Around two years. It is logical that the first times you make this progress, fall, until you have secured the correct movements. And, even so, it will continue to fall. Remember that all healthy children have legs full of "bruises" and knees full of "scratches," and that's because they hit each other more often than adults.

Are accidents related to falls common?

Unfortunately, yes. Although we must avoid falling into overprotection, it is prudent to be cautious when it comes to preventing these accidents. For example: if we live in a house of various heights, and until the child is approximately three years old, we must block access to the stairs; in turn, you have to place protectors in the corners of the cutting surfaces, such as corners of tables, etc.

Are there problems with members' misalignment that cause the children to fall over the bill?

Indeed. Internal tibial torsion, as well as persistent femoral anteversion are two problems that cause the child to "put the foot inwards". This fact, in turn, derives in that, sometimes, when walking, the child "trip up himself". Both problems tend to correct themselves spontaneously with the passage of time.

Under what circumstances do we have to worry about a child who falls frequently?

1. If the child goes from walking well to walking badly, suddenly.

2. If our son is already a little older, his gait was stable, and suddenly there is a change in it (he leans to one side, is unable to walk in a straight line, needs to hold himself to keep from falling), we have to look healthcare.

3. If our son is older, his progress was stable, and suddenly he falls because he has no strength in his legs, you have to seek health care. De 4. In the same way we must proceed if the child falls down because walking is very painful.

What do I do if my child falls frequently and there is no sign of alarm?

We must enhance your self-esteem, avoiding the scolding, without falling into overprotection. It is advisable to encourage him to continue practicing. And we must bear in mind that not all children are "gold medal", but there are some more skilled and others less in the motor plane.