Eight myths about feeding in pregnancy

In an attempt to find the best for their future child, mothers find themselves in the position of having to differentiate the truth from the myth as regards feeding during pregnancy . And there are many false beliefs related to the diet that the pregnant woman should follow. In Guiainfantil.com we b

In an attempt to find the best for their future child, mothers find themselves in the position of having to differentiate the truth from the myth as regards feeding during pregnancy .

And there are many false beliefs related to the diet that the pregnant woman should follow. In Guiainfantil.com we break those myths.

8 false beliefs about feeding in pregnancy

1- You have to eat for two. It is true that during pregnancy the mother feeds the fetus, and it is the nutrients that the mother provides through her diet that make the fetus grow and develop normally. However, the nutritional needs are not so high that you need to eat twice as much of the essential nutrients, even in terms of calories. The needs for calcium and iron, for example, are increased to support the growth and formation of bones, and the increase in blood volume, respectively. The caloric, only are increased minimally and only in the third quarter.

2- A vegetarian diet is impossible during pregnancy. Although it is complicated given the extra requirement of iron and the ease of obtaining it from red meats, it is possible to take a vegetarian diet and provide all the necessary iron from vegetable sources, although extra work is required when preparing the menus .

3- Coffee is prohibited. Caffeine is a stimulant, and, although it has traditionally been recommended to avoid it altogether, the most recent research establishes as a safe limit, 2 cups of coffee per day. Being rigorous, caffeine is harmful to health, so this claim is not a myth in its entirety. In contrast, the absence of caffeine in an organism that is accustomed to receiving it habitually, resembles a withdrawal syndrome, being this more stressful for both, fetus and pregnant, than the consumption of caffeine.

4- Cravings are quirks. It seems proven that cravings are the organism's way of getting nutrients that are lacking at that moment, always within a reasonable sense, since they should not be used as an excuse for overeating or unhealthy eating. El 5- The consumption of nuts during pregnancy increases the chances of allergy in the baby.

The studies that have been conducted in this regard have concluded that there is no relationship between the two facts, so there is no need to avoid them. 6- The fish should be avoided.

This is not entirely true, since only the consumption of raw fish and fish with a high mercury content, such as swordfish, should be avoided. It is recommended to consume fish at least a couple of times a week, since their fatty acids are very useful for the development of the brain of the baby. 7- You should eat only organic food.

Although organic agriculture and livestock are a way to reduce exposure to both antibiotic resistant bacteria and chemical products, their consumption is not essential. 8- Enriched foods should be consumed.

A balanced diet ensures an optimal supply of essential nutrients, so fortified or fortified foods need not be necessary.