Four good study techniques for primary school children

"Come to study" is a phrase that parents repeat regularly to our children. It is then when our children get into their room, put their heads in their book for a long time and, when we go to take the lesson or the test note arrives, we realize that they do not know it, perhaps they do not understand

"Come to study" is a phrase that parents repeat regularly to our children. It is then when our children get into their room, put their heads in their book for a long time and, when we go to take the lesson or the test note arrives, we realize that they do not know it, perhaps they do not understand either the agenda. Did not they study it?

Perhaps the error comes from a bad or nonexistent study technique. And it is that, to study you also learn. Have you taught your son to study? Do you know if the school has given him guidelines to make all this information his own? Do you know how to assimilate it so that it is part of his knowledge? In we tell you which are the 4 most effective techniques for primary school children. Técnicas 4 study techniques for children to learn better

There are many guidelines that help to study: have an adequate environment, good lighting, eliminate stimuli and distractions ... However, above all those tips, what we should get is that the child studies effectively. The prestigious Harvard University conducted a study on different learning methods, which are summarized in these 4 techniques:

1. Take notes by hand:

the best way to retain ideas is to write them down. Although we are in the age of technology and our children are digital natives, we have to avoid computers and tablets. It is preferable to encourage the child to write, make summaries and outline the agenda. In this way, you will be retaining better the ideas you have to learn, and that is that when you type on a keyboard, the speed does not get the brain to process the knowledge in the same way as when we write by hand. 2. Reading the text:

it is preferable for the children to make a first reading of the text, this reading should be in depth, in which the child understands what he reads. You can even read aloud, as it encourages concentration and attention. The child has to focus on understanding what he is hearing. The specialists recommend that this reading be done only once, and before making a second reading, try to make an effort to remember all the content. Hacer 3. Pause: not by studying many hours in a row the child will achieve better results in the studies. In fact, it is proven that after a certain time, the concentration and attention of the child decreases considerably. The smaller it is, the less retentive capacity it will have in a sustained time. To avoid thus distressing and over-tiring you, it is recommended that you take brief breaks. You can stop between one topic and another, or one subject and another. It takes 5 minutes to get up, drink water, talk to the child. However, avoid those 5 minutes are to watch TV or play the tablet, because then we will have lost the battle to the studio.

4. Alternating subjects: we usually force the child to finish the math homework, before beginning the language ones. However, the Harvard experts tell us that it is a mistake. They explain that changing the subject is very beneficial for the brain and, far from encouraging deconcentration, it reactivates the attention and earns as a study.

And, an extra tip that we should apply to all parents: encourage, reinforce and not overwhelm.