Signs or symptoms of the evil eye in babies and children

There is a popular belief that says one person can make another an evil eye, that is, a negative energy as the product of envy or enmity. You may have always associated the evil eye with adults, however, it may also be associated with children. And, they say that an evil eye , can also affect the he

There is a popular belief that says one person can make another an evil eye, that is, a negative energy as the product of envy or enmity.

You may have always associated the evil eye with adults, however, it may also be associated with children. And, they say that anevil eye, can also affect the health of your baby.d. Discover in what it is, how it affects and how it solves the problem of the evil eye in children and babies.

The evil eye in childhood and its solution

Although it may sound like a legend or false myths, many dads and mothers may become worried about the physical or mental state of a newborn baby or a young child. cause of an evil eye. This problem is directly related to the negative energy that an external person can influence in the life of a baby, even getting to get sick.

In this way, some of the symptoms would be:

- Low defenses of the child without explanation,

- Allergy without meaning.

- Crying at all hours.

- Diarrhea.

- Vomiting.

- Loss of appetite.

- Alteration in the sleep pattern.

Although it may sound like magic, popular belief says that the bad intentions of a person with their negative thoughts or even destructive towards a baby can create this kind of discomfort.

Perhaps motivated by envy, jealousy or even bad feelings towards the parents of the child, these people can get even with a look that the babies get sick, at least that way they assure the popular beliefs that point to the evil eye as responsible for this type of symptoms or discomfort in the baby.

When dads are aware that the ailments or discomforts of their baby are not due to physical causes but to external influence, what they can do according to the popular legend is to put the baby or child a bracelet or red tie on the wrist to drive away bad energies or even perform a series of specific prayers.