Children's restaurant menu: yes or no

From the moment the restaurants incorporated the children's menus, they have been understood as something separate and different from the menu offered to adults. Years ago, however, restaurants offered half dishes for children, or if this was not the case, two children shared an adult menu. But, sho

From the moment the restaurants incorporated the children's menus, they have been understood as something separate and different from the menu offered to adults. Years ago, however, restaurants offered half dishes for children, or if this was not the case, two children shared an adult menu. But, should we order these children's menus?Are they better for children than adult menus?

The children's menus of the restaurants under discussion

At present, the offer of dishes in the children's menus of the restaurants is generally limited to pasta Bolognese or carbonara, lasagna of meat in which there is a little more variety, pizzas, hamburgers , chicken nuggets, maybe a mixed sandwich, all accompanied in most cases by chips.

When a daily menu is offered, including a first and a second dish, the first one is usually, again, pasta, or soup, or at most a rice with tomato, and secondly the classic tenderloin steak, fried eggs, croquettes or breaded chicken, accompanied again by chips, and perhaps potato omelette, usually without onions. What all the dishes described have in common is that they lack vegetables, are rich in saturated fats and fish is conspicuous by their absence.

The question of whether these menus are recommended or not is answered with another question, if we were at home, is that the menu we would offer our children? Actually, the answer does not have to be a resounding no, because this may be the family menu on some occasion, but it must be a resounding no to the only thing that is offered as a child's meal, or the only thing considered apt to offer a child when he eats out of the house, he limits himself to these dishes.

By reviewing the mentioned dishes, pasta is a perfectly healthy dish, even as a unique dish. Lasagne is also, and even better if meat and vegetables are combined. Equally it is the rice or the soup, although the legumes are another option, healthier still, to consider as first plate.

As for the seconds, or the combination dishes, any of the options mentioned could be suitable as long as they are part of a balanced plate. Fried foods, such as croquettes or breaded steaks, are best avoided, especially outside the home, as we do not know which oil is used in frying. And finally, the chips, better to change them for salad, carrot sticks or cucumber, or even apple.

Although nothing happens to eat the classic children's menu when the outputs to restaurants are occasional, it is better that this does not become usual. In addition, it is better to try to choose for our children an equally healthy and varied dish that we would choose for ourselves, even if it is smaller, appropriate to their age and habitual intake. Being a child should not limit access to healthy and quality products, neither inside nor outside the home.