24 Weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy week by week is progressing by the middle of its development. As of week 24 of pregnancy la, the future mother will notice important changes in her body. The baby's training is about to be completed. Sciatica, diabetes and anemia in pregnancy are the three key points to address in terms of

Pregnancy week by week is progressing by the middle of its development. As of week 24 of pregnancy la, the future mother will notice important changes in her body. The baby's training is about to be completed. Sciatica, diabetes and anemia in pregnancy are the three key points to address in terms of health in week 24 of pregnancy. With periodic health checks and proper nutrition you can feel good until the end of pregnancy and enjoy the growth of the baby inside you just turned24 weeks of pregnancy

. Changes in the body of the pregnant womanIn week 24 of pregnancy will be assessed if you have anemia. Anemia in pregnancy is measured by analyzing iron levels in the blood and it is normal that after the 24th week of pregnancy, iron levels fall because your child's iron demands are increasing. Iron helps in the formation of blood, it is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and when it is not obtained through food it uses the reserves of your organism. Consequently, the lack of iron will leave you on the floor, you will be more tired, pale and even dizzy.

In blood tests, anemia is quantified by measuring the percentage of hematocrit or red blood cells in the blood; and by the amount of hemoglobin, which is the protein in red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen. When the hematocrit is below 37 and the hemoglobin is less than 12 there is anemia. These results are complemented by an iron metabolism, the test will be more accurate. The metabolism of iron will give us ferritin and iron levels. Routine or regular blood tests done over three trimesters will keep your anemia under control.

Development and growth of the baby in pregnancy

In the

week 24 of pregnancy el, the baby measures 29-30 centimeters and weighs between 630-680 grams approximately. Its outline is increasingly rounded and still has enough space in the uterus to move easily and change position several times a day. It is likely that you perceive their movements with greater intensity. Little by little, the progressive increase in size will prevent you from moving so easily. Your baby is surrounded by about 500 ml of amniotic fluid.

After 24 weeks of pregnancy, if premature delivery occurs, you would be able to survive with intensive care. The inner ear continues its development and is already able to control the balance. Regarding its development, during the 24th week of gestation, the development of the lungs and growth of the subcutaneous tissue in the skin stand out, which gives rise to the formation of the definitive fingerprints. The sense organs are almost mature. Health and emotions during pregnancyThe control of iron levels and blood glucose will mark your health checks in week 24 of pregnancy. The blood test assesses the degree of anemia (through hemoglobin and hematocrit) and the number of red blood cells, the number of white blood cells and platelets. When the white blood cells are greatly increased, it may indicate that there is or has been an infection and if the platelets are very low there is an increased risk of bleeding during delivery and postpartum.

The glucose test, also known as the O'Sullivan test, is used to detect pregnant women at higher risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy. How do you perform the glucose test? You will go to the laboratory on an empty stomach, they will draw blood and quantify the basal levels of blood glucose. Then they will give you a very sugary juice with 50 grams of glucose, which can have lemon or orange flavor. You will have to wait for a sitting time, without walking, or drinking anything, and later they will draw blood again to re-quantify blood sugar levels. If these values ​​are higher than 140 gr / dl., It means that you have more chances of being diabetic and will have to confirm it by oral glucose overload of 100 grams.

This second test is also done in the laboratory. This time they will take blood fasting, they will give you a very sugary juice with double the glucose than the previous time: 100 grams. You will get blood again at the time, at 2 o'clock and at 3 o'clock. If two altered values ​​are obtained, above the reference parameters, it will indicate that you have gestational diabetes and you will have to control the pregnancy.

Diet and diet for pregnant women

The iron requirements are so high in pregnancy, that apart from eating a diet rich in iron, the health authorities recommend the prescription of iron during pregnancy. Remember that the function of iron in the organism is to combine with oxygen in the lungs and transport it through the bloodstream to all vital organs. And is that a nutritional deficit in the baby can affect their growth and psychomotor development, and their ability to explore and develop cognitive abilities.

In the mother, the lack of iron results in poor oxygenation and a pronounced tiredness that can prolong the baby's delivery period during delivery, because the woman has less strength and an increased risk of blood loss. Among the factors that increase the predisposition to suffer from anemia, is having children with intervals of less than two years between one pregnancy and the next. Also influencing heavy menstruation, adolescent pregnancy, a regular diet with little iron and suffer some parasitosis.

Foods that have more iron are meats, legumes, milk and fortified flours. The iron that comes from animal flesh is better absorbed than that from vegetable sources. However, it improves its absorption by combining it in the same digestion with some juice or fruit rich in vitamin C.

Curiosities of week 24 of pregnancy


in the back at lumbar level and in the pelvis (lower abdomen) ) Due to the growth of the uterus or the position that the baby adopts, they can compress the sciatic nerve at some point. The compression of the sciatic nerve causes weakness, tingling and pain that radiates to the buttocks, legs and feet. In some cases, the pain is so severe that it hinders the movement of the leg. Sciatica usually disappears after the baby is born. However, to alleviate the discomfort during pregnancy it is advisable to apply cold / heat in the affected area, first ice in the first 48 hours and then heat, not stay too long in the same position, either sitting or standing, go to the physiotherapist to do physiotherapy and stretching exercises, to walk regularly, to swim or to practice yoga are also recommended activities. And as a tranquilizer you can use paracetamol whenever your doctor allows it.

Around the 24th week of pregnancy, hormonal changes can modify the skin with the appearance of chloasma, which is an increase in pigmentation in the face and neck and manifests itself in the form of spots. The increase in pigmentation can also be seen in the breast, in the nipple and areola, and in the linea alba that joins the navel and the pubis. In general, changes in pigmentation usually disappear after childbirth, but to avoid leaving indelible marks on your skin it is necessary to use sunscreen during pregnancy, whether winter or summer.