My son produces a lot of wax in his ears, what do I do?

The cerumen of the ears, that dense and brown substance that so much displeases many moms and dads , is an important ally for health. What are you surprised by this fact? It thinks that it fulfills a mechanical function of barrier, because it is able to catch particles and germs, in an "easy access

The cerumen of the ears, that dense and brown substance that so much displeases many moms and dads, is an important ally for health. What are you surprised by this fact? It thinks that it fulfills a mechanical function of barrier, because it is able to catch particles and germs, in an "easy access point" towards the interior of the organism, as it is the external auditory canal.

However, there are children who produce more wax than others, without this being a health problem, but rather a mere aesthetic issue.

When the child produces a lot of wax in the ears

How should a child's ears be cleaned?

It must be clear that the wax that is in the ear, or outside the ear canal, must be cleaned exclusively. For this, we will use a wipe slightly moistened in water. You can also use the tip of a wet bath towel, without dripping.

What is the main error that is made when cleaning the cerumen?

It is important not to insert any object (including the swabs) into the ear canal. If we do that, the only thing we are going to achieve is to favor the formation of a wax stopper.

How do wax plugs show up clinically?

The most frequent fact is the reduction of auditory acuity (hearing loss). On the other hand, plugs can cause earache.

What should you do if you suspect that your child has a wax stopper?

It is important not to unnecessarily manipulate the ear canal. For this reason, we recommend that you go to your trusted pediatrician. He will tell you how to proceed. For its removal, a manual extraction with special forceps, or with a double process of softening and propulsion with syringe can be used. It is important that you do not do this at your home.

What can be mistaken for cerumen?

In suppurative otitis, the ear can exude pus, which is greenish in color. Blood can also flow out of the tube (in otitis with perforated eardrum, for example). More rarely, cerebrospinal fluid (in severe head injuries) may come out.