Why younger brothers admire older people

Sibling fights are a constant in all families. In many occasions generated by rivalry, competitiveness, jealousy or getting the attention of parents. For the younger brothers, the figure of the older brother is fundamental in their development. Despite these daily disputes, his role is very importan

Sibling fights are a constant in all families. In many occasions generated by rivalry, competitiveness, jealousy or getting the attention of parents.

For the younger brothers, the figure of the older brother is fundamental in their development. Despite these daily disputes, his role is very important in his personal development.In Guiainfantil.com we tell you why the little ones admire and imitate the older brothers.

10 reasons why older siblings are important

1- Older siblings have that feeling of protection towards their younger siblings which also transmits to them giving them some security.

2- Older brothers have more experience and experience in some fields: academic, family, social, ... so they become referents for their younger brothers. Los 3- Younger brothers

turn to the help of their older brothers in many occasions and circumstances. 4- The younger brothers have blind faith in their older brothers since they see them as experts

and trust what their older brothers transmit to them. 5- The older brothers become a fundamental support in the life of their little brothers

because with them they share all the experiences within the family nucleus which makes them be more united. 6- Little brothers consider their older brothers brave

because they have to face many things for the first time, while they already have their experience. 7- The older brothers become teachers of their little brothers

since they imitate all their behaviors. 8- The older brothers become confidants

of their little brothers since they often have more confidence because of their closeness with their older brothers when it comes to transmitting certain insecurities or worries. 9- The older brothers contribute to the children being more sociable

, since they have the support of their older brothers. 10- Younger brotherslearn to share

not only games but also experiences with their older brothers.