Basic spelling chart for children

Spelling is the set of rules for writing a language . Always insists on the idea that to write well you have to read a lot. Anyone can make spelling mistakes. We know that when we read, although unconsciously, the words are left in our brain, in such a way that when we write them we visualize them.

Spelling is the set of rules for writing a language. Always insists on the idea that to write well you have to read a lot. Anyone can make spelling mistakes. We know that when we read, although unconsciously, the words are left in our brain, in such a way that when we write them we visualize them.

Sometimes, when we see a word with spelling mistakes, even if we do not know the spelling rule the alarm goes off because we know it is badly written, that is why reading is so important to get to write correctly.

Learn orthographic rules from an early age

Spelling mistakes should be corrected even if the child does not yet know how to read, because this way, they will visualize the words well written. When young children already know how to read fluently and are aware of the existence of spelling, and not before, they must begin to learn the rules.

Learning to spell words is an important activity at this stage. Sometimes there is no choice but to retain them and assimilate them from memory because they are like that and that's the way it should be. There are many games that can help in this task, type "Hangman", or the famous "Scrabble", the two to demonstrate skill at the time of forming words.

Rhyme spelling chart for children

We can use some tricks to help children retain the spelling rules with less effort and in a natural way. I speak of the combination of rhymes and images. We will start with therules of the letters B and V, H, Gand J that give so much "war" to children and adults.

To finish I leave you a sentence of Jesus Tusón: "The spelling, so many times arbitrary, depend largely on visual memory and it will be an abundant reading that will produce correction in the writing"