Home exercises to improve the spelling of children

Many times, children have problems with spelling . In order that they can improve, we can help them with little tricks that will not cost us a lot of work, and that will be very good for them in school and to be able to write fluently without committing mistakes. Although it is not a process that is

Many times, children have problems with spelling. In order that they can improve, we can help them with little tricks that will not cost us a lot of work, and that will be very good for them in school and to be able to write fluently without committing mistakes.

Although it is not a process that is achieved overnight, it is true that with some games and little tricks, our children will improve significantly in spelling while having fun.

The drawings to help children with spelling

If our child has problems when remembering the orthographic rules, in addition to what he learns as time passes, we can give him a little 'push' based on drawings. Although it is true that some very useful spelling booklets, which make them remember the rules, are usually boring for the little ones in the house, who need another kind of visual images to remember why they are written in a way another the words. Some tricks that we can carry out based on drawings are those games

where the letters that are more 'conflicting' or difficult to remember: such as V, B, J, G, Y or LL, They can have fun shapes depending on the words. A B with a drawing of a shrimp, the V that forms a vegetable, the LL in the shape of raindrops ... visually it will be much simpler for children to remember why they are written like this when they do not have the drawing in front of them. Tips to improve the spelling of our children -

Games with words

: In addition to the drawings themselves, where for example we can also play with the G of glasses so that we do not forget why that and other words are written like that, we can elaborate other types of tips such as games that have to do with wordsthat start with different letters, and in this way, the more the better, the ones that give more points. - Handicrafts with spelling

: Thus, children can be overcome if we also make other games with handicrafts available, where the words are written and are missing those lettersthat may cause controversy, of which we spoke in higher paragraphs . If the letters that we can put are made with plasticine, with cards and in bright colors, they will always remember why these words are written like that, and at the same time they learn to have fun. - Reading

: But if there is a universal truth is that the mistakes at the time of writing are corrected with reading, and if we teach our children the beautiful habit of reading every day, the spelling will improve markedly. Marta Marciel.Editor of Guiainfantil.com