Day of Santa Martina, January 30. Names for girls

Martina is a name for girl of Latin origin that means 'warrior', since it is a name relative to the Roman god of war Mars en, in the same line as the names of boy Marcos, Martin or Marcelo. It is an ideal name for your girl who will know how to face life. Celebrate his name day on January 30 , which

Martina is a name for girl of Latin origin that means 'warrior', since it is a name relative to the Roman god of war Mars en, in the same line as the names of boy Marcos, Martin or Marcelo.It is an ideal name for your girl who will know how to face life. Celebrate his name day

on January 30 , which is the day of Santa Martina.Curiosities about the name Martina

The name Martina implies

a strong and energetic character without losing anything of sweetness and sensitivity. Martina is a lover of beauty, joy and joviality, and although she likes calmness, she bravely confronts any problematic situation. Because of her charismatic personality, Martina exerts a great influence on her group of friends, being a respected, admired and very loved person. The name of your daughter remains almost invariable in different languages ​​and is surprising because in recent years she has become one of the most frequent names of girls around the world. And after having been forgotten for a few decades, Martina sounds like beauty, sophistication, elegance, delicacy and above all, a cosmopolitan spirit.

There are many famous and admired women that we know with the name of your daughter. Martina Klein is a Spanish-Argentine model well known for her appearances on television as a presenter and comedian. She represents the essence of Martina like no other as a modern and sophisticated woman who does not renounce family happiness.

The world of sports, more specifically tennis, also has two important figures named Martina. Martina Hingins and Martina Navratilova reflected the strength and commitment that will also accompany your daughter. Although Martina is also a beautiful town in the Italian region of Apulia, which you can not miss.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.