What is the Father Plan for the weaning of the baby

The need for many mothers to be able to sleep three hours in a row, is what usually drives them to seek the weaning of their infants at night; This happens because as our babies grow older, and they are used to sleeping to the breast of their mother, it makes the co-sleeping more and more uncomforta

The need for many mothers to be able to sleep three hours in a row, is what usually drives them to seek the weaning of their infants at night; This happens because as our babies grow older, and they are used to sleeping to the breast of their mother, it makes the co-sleeping more and more uncomfortable (they move a lot, they invade all the space).

There is also a moment in their development when they no longer breastfeed due to nutritional need, but for other reasons: they look for physical contact, the presence of the mother, use the breast as a transition to return to sleep during cycle changes ... At Guiainfantil.com we explain how to implement the Father Plan to be able to perform the weaning at night in the most respectful way possible.

What is the Father Plan to wean the baby

Basically, the Father Plan will consist of the father, or another person of reference, who comforts and re-accompanies and helps the baby to sleep when the baby wakes up. Said well, surely more than one is a feat impossible to achieve, but we will go step by step:

- Reach an agreement: it is basic, and it seems logical. But it is essential that both parties agree, and that they know what to expect, how to act in each moment.

- Be fully convinced: Weaning is an important decision in the development of the baby and in the relationship of both.

- Be tolerant: this is addressed to the mother. It is important that you know that the child's father has his ways and ways of comforting your child, you should trust him. And although the method is not about letting the baby cry, it is true that it will probably take a little longer to console yourself.

- Before starting the father should be present in the life of the child, try to sleep at some time, comfort him when something goes wrong. We should not implement this method if you have never slept or at least tried to sleep the little one. Se - You can

start joint routines involving both parents at bedtime, and little by little the mother retires; until it is the father who ends up sleeping or being near the baby. It may take more than one night, it is normal if at first the child rebels, and cries until the mother sees him. -

Put dad in the middle: it can be a way of transition to implement the method, which is the father to the first one the baby finds when it is revealed. Let him be the one who tries to comfort him and help him to return to sleep. It is applicable in the case of co-sleeping. If the child sleeps separately, the father will be the first to assist him. There comes a time when the child tolerates the father, and then demand his presence. -

Do not feel guilty, you are giving your son more independence, respecting his rhythms (remember that we do not let him cry without consolation). And your partner more role and security in the upbringing of your child. They will tighten the ties more. Tips to apply the Weaning Parent Plan

- A good way to do it would be to

start gradually que, that the baby gets used to spending time with his father, that he will sleep with him once. And start these changes during the day, so when we start implementing the method will not be so abrupt. Una - Once implemented, after the last shot of the night the father ends up sleeping as he sees fit, in his arms, at his side, with a song. - If he cries, andthe father is not able to comfort him; the mother must calm him,

when he is calm; the father goes back into action, to try to sleep him.

- If we seek to break the chest-sleep association it is important that do not fall asleep to the chest . Do not use it as an object of transition between one cycle and another.

- If you practice co-sleeping, the father can place himself between the two (mother and son), in such a way that he does not smell the breast and does not feel so much need to suckle. - In awakeningsthe father will always be the first to take care of the child


With patience this method is good, not only for the baby to sleep better and for the mother to rest more; It will be very good for the relationship between the father and the baby, establishing strong ties between both.