Decorate a baby room in a small room

Often the rooms of today's apartments are characterized by the limited space available. And when it comes to the room for a baby this may seem like a big problem for the parents since they need to place various items necessary for the day to day like the crib, the changing table, the closet, a batht

Often the rooms of today's apartments are characterized by the limited space available. And when it comes to the room for a baby this may seem like a big problem for the parents since they need to place various items necessary for the day to day like the crib, the changing table, the closet, a bathtub, shelves ...

If this is your case and you have a few meters, we will try to help you with some tips so that the lack of space is not a problem when decorating your baby's room.

The color of the baby's room

Choosing the right color is the basis for visually expanding the space. The walls and ceiling should be painted in very bright and light colors; You must forget the intense and dark colors. Good allies are the neutral colors: whites, creams, sand, even grays. The blue color also produces a sensation of moving objects away.

To enhance the feeling of height, it is best to paint the ceiling white and if you want to increase the feeling of depth, use the horizontally painted stripes. You can also paint the background wall a shade darker than the rest, but only if the window is in it.

For floors, light wood with a polished finish is preferable as it will reflect more light and make it easy and comfortable to clean.

Baby furniture

Furniture for the baby's room must also be functional, very light colors and very simple shapes. Visually they should not be heavy. Avoid those that are not essential and place them so that they do not obstruct the passage of light, leaving the center free. If you can choose the multifunctional furniture you will save space, for example, cribs with drawers, chests with bathtubs or cupboards with built-in drawers.

The entrance door of the room and of the cupboards is preferable that they are sliding so that they occupy less space.

The accessories of the baby's room

The storage elements should be placed in "dead" areas, such as under the bed or in the corners. The shelves can be integrated painted the same color as the walls.

The curtains will be very translucent so that the light passes perfectly and better than the tone of the walls. The confection will be very simple to avoid recharging the environment.

For the floor, it is best to choose light-colored carpets and, if they are washable, dust and mites will not accumulate.

Do not reload space with unnecessary objects and store baby toys in shelves and containers that allow the room to be always collected.