Foods that favor fertility

Although all micronutrients have important functions in the body, some of them play key roles in female fertility en or in the conception and development of the fetus. In fact, some foods can be detrimental to female fertility, while others favor conception. 8 vitamins and nutrients that favor pregn

Although all micronutrients have important functions in the body, some of them play key roles in female fertility en or in the conception and development of the fetus. In fact, some foods can be detrimental to female fertility, while others favor conception.

8 vitamins and nutrients that favor pregnancy

Excess vitamin C could be detrimental to female fertility, since it alters the cervical mucus. However, there are other foods that you should boost if you are pregnant:


Vitamin B: The hypothalamus, which regulates sexual appetite by hormones, is very sensitive to deficiency in B vitamins. In particular,Liver uses vitamin B2 or riboflavin to eliminate hormones that are no longer needed, including estrogen and progesterone. In case of shortage of riboflavin, the hypothalamus and pituitary glands receive incorrect messages about the need for these hormones and inhibit their production, associating with problems of sterility and spontaneous abortions. The presence of other vitamins of group B favors its absorption. Junto 2. Along with riboflavin, vitamin B6 or pyridoxine, and zinc imprescind, essential for its proper absorption, are essential for the formation of female sex hormones and the proper functioning of both estrogen and progesterone. Its deficit inhibits the production of progesterone in favor of the production of estrogen. Zinc is also co-adjuvant to many enzymes related to fertility.

3. Folic acidis the only vitamin recommended to be supplemented if you want to conceive a child, since it prevents defects in the neural tube. The use of hormonal contraceptives unbalances the deposits, so it takes 2 to 3 months to ensure that the deposits are full. Vitamins C and B12 favor its absorption.

4. In addition, along with folic acid,vitamin B12 plays an important role in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, the genetic material of the future baby, so it is advisable to ensure a correct supply, especially the case of following a vegetarian diet. Calcium favors its absorption. En 5. Regarding liposoluble vitamins,

vitamin A has great importance in embryonic development and can reduce the appearance of cysts in the ovaries. Some studies, however, have found that high doses of retinol can cause fetal alterations, so it is not advisable to exceed the recommended doses. En 6. Regarding minerals, low iron levels

have been linked to infertility, while maintaining the appropriate levels can reduce the risk of spontaneous abortion. Vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron present in foods of plant origin. Like iron, magnesium is related to protection against abortions and promotes fertility. The assimilation of the combination of these minerals is enhanced by calcium and vitamins B6 and D, while drinks with caffeine and tobacco limit their absorption, so they should be avoided. 7. Although there are only animal studies, déficit vitamin B1 or thiamine deficiency is related to problems of ovulation or implantation of the fertilized egg, so it could have the same effect in humans. It has also been observed that manganese deficiency can cause defects in the ovulation process and in the synthesis of sex hormones. En 8. Preliminary studies have also shown that, given that

co-enzyme Q10 is found at very low levels in women who have had an abortion, an extra contribution could benefit women who plan to follow assisted reproduction treatments.