The benefits of magic for children

Children are fascinated by magic and we love to see the glitter of illusion in their eyes. Attending a magic show is one of the best leisure activities for any child, but they can also participate in illusionism . The dream of many children is to become a Harry Potter and we do not have to deny it.

Children are fascinated by magic and we love to see the glitter of illusion in their eyes. Attending a magic show is one of the best leisure activities for any child, but they can also participate in illusionism.

The dream of many children is to become a Harry Potter and we do not have to deny it. Any child is a potential magician because children carry the magic inside. In addition, teaching a child how to do magic tricks is not only a form of fun, but magic can develop multiple skills in children.

The benefits of magic in children

- Magic teaches values. Children who attend a magic school or an illusionism course learn some of the most important values, among them effort, perseverance, patience and a taste for work well done.

- Magic stimulates motor skills. Many magic tricks require some manual skill. The posture, the movements on the stage and the handling of the hands are some of the abilities that develop in the magician child.

- Magic enhances creativity. It takes a lot of imagination to do a magic trick. That is why it is one of the activities that more and better stimulate children's creativity. It also teaches them to solve situations and to look for the resources they need at every moment, so they strengthen their autonomy.

- Magic improves self-esteem. Among the benefits of magic is also to improve the child's self-esteem. The child who practices magic becomes the center of attention and also of admiration on the part of the other children, something that can foster their capacity for leadership.

- Magic promotes communication. Children who practice magic develop their communicative skills better. Maintaining public attention requires a certain dose of enchantment through words and also body language.

- Magic fosters a critical spirit. We want children who have analytical skills and a critical spirit because it is a tool that will help them when they reach adults. Magic requires questioning everything that is happening around it.

- Magic unites the family. What better activity to do as a family than a magic show where our magician apprentice child is the one who shows us what we need to do to make the trick work.

Laura Vélez. Editor of