Day of Santa Esperanza, December 18. Names for girls

Esperanza is a name for a girl of Latin origin whose meaning is included in the name itself in the sense of 'expecting something good'. It is an ideal name for any girl, who has never gone out of style, and who reflects an optimistic, vital and full of joy spirit. Celebrate your name day on December

Esperanza is a name for a girl of Latin origin whose meaning is included in the name itself in the sense of 'expecting something good'.

It is an ideal name for any girl, who has never gone out of style, and who reflects an optimistic, vital and full of joy spirit. Celebrate your name day on December 18, which is the day of Our Lady of Hope or the Virgin of Hope.

Curiosities about the name Esperanza

Esperanza is an extroverted, nice, dynamic and jovial girl, hace what makes her always surrounded by good friends. With a quick and curious mind, she flees from conflicts and goes out of her way to create an environment full of harmony around her, because the search for happiness is very important for her. This also leads her to the need to please her family and friends by doing what she can to make them happy. If you are thinking about giving your daughter the

name Esperanza for the connotations of optimism and happiness that implies, you can also choose one of the many variants in other languages. Esperánce is the version of the name in French, Speranza is the spelling of the name in Italian and Hope is the name in English. A frequent name that will be recognized all over the world and that adopts forms as different as the Greek name Elpidia. And it is precisely their relationship with Greek mythology that has given the name Esperanza the most fame, when from the Pandora's box all the evils for humanity spread throughout the world. Luckily, the box closed on time leaving hope inside, as a last resort that we have people waiting for things to improve.

In the case of such a popular name, there are many women who wear it, all characterized by a fighting and jovial spirit. But Esperanza is also a place name, with the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa being especially known, and the name of literary, television and even videogame characters. Apart from the great variety of uses given to the name given the importance of its meaning.

If you want your child to learn to write his

name Esperanzain calligraphy and also can color it in uppercase and lowercase letters with the colors that you like, just click on the Esperanza name to print its beautiful name.To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate his saint in the month of December, consult our calendar of the names of saints of December. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.