Infant gastritis. Causes and symptoms

Although we may think that gastritis is an adult disease, children can also suffer from it and in today's society more and more cases are diagnosed of childhood gastritis. This is the inflammation of the gastric mucosa that causes sudden and intense pain. This inflammation can be due to very diverse

Although we may think that gastritis is an adult disease, children can also suffer from it and in today's society more and more cases are diagnosed of childhood gastritis. This is the inflammation of the gastric mucosa that causes sudden and intense pain. This inflammation can be due to very diverse causes, ranging from a poor diet to the taking of medication or the stress that the child suffers. Causas 7 causes of gastritis in children


Stress or emotional stress. Sometimes the stress that we suffer adults we pass on to children. It happens in the same way with the emotional tension that sometimes can get to suffer the smallest, school responsibilities or family situations. In both cases, these situations can cause an excessive increase in the secretion of gastric acid, causing gastritis.2.

Poor feeding of children and the consumption of excessively sweet, fatty, artificial coloring, many spices or spicy foods, also entail the appearance of gastritis. 3. Gastritis can also be caused by influenza or other infectious diseases.

If a child consumes contaminated food, they can become infected and cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa. 4. The intake of some medicines

can also trigger the onset of gastritis in children. 5. Because of a bacterium

that is transmitted in cutlery or food due to lack of hygiene. 6. If a child's stomach spends too many hours without eating food it can also cause an increase in the secretion of gastric acid causing inflammation of the stomach.

7. Eat too fast without chewing food properly.

Symptoms of gastritis in children In view of these symptoms, it is advisable to consult with the pediatrician

to rule out gastritis:

- The child complains of abdominal pain around the navel in the case of children under 10 years old and a little more up once they are over this age. - Bad breath or reflux after eating. - The child refuses to eat food especially in the morning because it causes stomach pain.

- The stools are very dark.

- You have nausea or vomiting.

- Presents a significant weight loss.

Cristina González Hernando.

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