Rafael Pombo's short fables

Rafael Pombo is one of the most important writers, poets and fabulists in Colombia. His work, is still read today and his stories and fables continue to arouse the interest of children and not so children. Short stories for children. Rafael Pombo In Guiainfantil.com we have selected a series of mora

Rafael Pombo is one of the most important writers, poets and fabulists in Colombia. His work, is still read today and his stories and fables continue to arouse the interest of children and not so children.

Short stories for children. Rafael Pombo

InGuiainfantil.comwe have selected a series of moral fables so that your children can learn the values ​​that come from them. In addition, all are in verse so it is a great way to bring poetry to the little ones in the house. Here you have a selection of rhyming fables by Rafael Pombo so you can read to your children

The bee and the pigeon. With this fable, the bee and the dove, children can not only approach poetry, but also get a teaching, in this case, that we must do for others what we want others to do for us.

Pastorcita. Pastorcita is one of the children's fables written by Pombo that teaches children to try to solve life's problems, not to stop crying for what happens, not to give up, but to get up and persevere in what one you want.

The nose and eyes. The nose and eyes is a short fable by Rafael Pombo. This little story, narrated in verse, tells in a very funny way what happens when someone behaves in a very selfish way.

The chicken and the pig. The hen and the pig, is a fable in verse, written by Rafael Pombo, which teaches children the importance of gratitude and being grateful. A very important value in the education of children. A story in the form of a poem that talks about the importance of helping others and always giving thanks.

The car. The car is a funny fable written in verse that explains to the children that you do not have to trust appearances, it also has its version in the saying: dog barker bit biting or much noise and few nuts. This fable was written by the writer, poet and fabulist Rafael Pombo and its pleasant and agile rhyme is ideal for children to learn values ​​while enjoying reading.