Risks of eliminating gluten if the child has not been diagnosed

To date, there seem to be three diseases related to the reaction to gluten present in the diet: wheat allergy, gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. At present, its diagnosis requires a simple blood test accompanied by an intestinal biopsy. As for the treatment, as the symptoms are produced by the

To date, there seem to be three diseases related to the reaction to gluten present in the diet: wheat allergy, gluten sensitivity and celiac disease.

At present, its diagnosis requires a simple blood test accompanied by an intestinal biopsy. As for the treatment, as the symptoms are produced by the presence in the diet of gluten or similar proteins, the recovery of the villi of the affected small intestine is only achieved after eliminating the gluten from the diet in its entirety. But, what happens if we eliminate gluten from the child's diet without being diagnosed? Why not eliminate gluten from the child's diet without diagnosis

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease manifested through gastrointestinal symptoms of varying severity, including other symptoms derived from micronutrient malabsorption deficiency. But why not eliminate gluten from the diet without needing =

- Eliminating gluten from children's diet is a challenge for families, not only because of the amount of products that contain gluten in its composition, but also because of the affected that the family economy can be seen when having to consume these products, up to 3 times more expensive than the original product in some occasions.

- There is currently a current that ensures that the elimination of gluten from the diet in cases where celiac disease has not been diagnosed, and even in cases in which there is no symptom of intolerance, is beneficial for health.

Without embarrassment, while there are no scientific studies to support it, there may be deficiencies caused by the gluten-free diet that can originate unnecessarily. Además - In addition, the unnecessary withdrawal of gluten from the diet mayhinder the diagnostic tests of celiac disease

if necessary, covering up the characteristic inflammation of the villi and hindering its diagnosis, which may cause an increase in the severity of the disease. - The vitamins of group B are one of the possible deficiencies that a gluten-free diet entails. - The amount of fiber ingested is also compromised, since cereals, especially if they are whole, are a great source.

- Variations have been observed in the intestinal microflora,

favoring the presence of bacteria harmful to health

, after the elimination of gluten from the diet. - Cereals, in addition to gluten, contain inulin, a natural prebiotic. Prebiotics are ingredients of foods that the body can not digest and that act in the gastrointestinal tract stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria present there. Given the close communication that exists between the bacterial population present in the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system,this imbalance in the flora has a direct negative impact on health.

Just as if you are not allergic to peanuts, there is no need to avoid them, there is no need to avoid gluten if an intolerance has not been diagnosed.