When it is safe to have sex after pregnancy

The sexual relations suppose a fundamental bond in the couple, and it is precisely thanks to them when the conception occurs and the new member of the family arrives. Therefore, to continue promoting the life of happy parents, there is nothing like having the intimacy of sex again. But really, when

The sexual relations suppose a fundamental bond in the couple, and it is precisely thanks to them when the conception occurs and the new member of the family arrives. Therefore, to continue promoting the life of happy parents, there is nothing like having the intimacy of sexagain. But really, when is it recommendable to have sexual relations as a couple once the child is born? In Guiainfantil.com we find the answer after pregnancy and childbirth.

When to resume sexual relations after pregnancy

Although good sexual activity has been maintained in pregnancy, it is convenient to stop it in the weeks after delivery. Every woman is a world, but in matters of health, it is advisable to wait a little before going back to performing the sexual act as a couple when the baby has already been born. The so-called 'quarantine', are those forty days recommended from the medical point of view so that you can resume sexual activity as often as you want.

The problems that may arise before these weeks pass is that there could be vaginal infections, in addition to which podrían sexual intercourse could be painful due to the birth trauma if it was a vaginal delivery . There are also restrictions for women who have been mothers through a cesarean section, although the waiting time can be cut in half. In addition, these forty days of waiting or recovery also serve to make all the organs that have undergone modifications inside the body of the woman, including her uterus.On the other hand, it is also advisable to wait for vaginal bleeding to end if you are suffering once you have given birth, so that in the

moment of intercourse everything will be pleasant . Until the pelvic floor is fully recovered, it will not be advisable to return to intimacy as a couple through sex. Also, do not forget that if quarantine is not respected for a good physical condition, it is advisable to use protection if you do not want to experience a pregnancy again.