Eight alternatives to avoid hitting children

Being a parent is the most complicated task you will face throughout your life, and that implies a high level of stress and developing a pump-proof patience when your children take you to the extreme. That's when you decide to cut, cut for the sake, give the child a slap and everyone ends up feeling

Being a parent is the most complicated task you will face throughout your life, and that implies a high level of stress and developing a pump-proof patience when your children take you to the extreme. That's when you decide to cut, cut for the sake, give the child a slap and everyone ends up feeling guilty and sad.

In summary, the children have not learned anything about their bad behavior and they have also moved a little further away from you; You have relieved yourself momentarily but you feel sad and with the thought that you could have done something better. But the worst thing is that many times we do not find other alternatives to the problem.

Alternatives to avoid hitting children to punish them

In Guiainfantil.com we give you some tips to take into account before executing physical punishment.

1- Think that you are the adult and therefore you have many more tools than your son to solve problems. When you hit your child you are teaching them that the way to solve conflicts is through violence; when surely what you try is to instill the opposite.

When your patience is at its limit, try to breathe deeply two or three times and keep in mind "I am an educator, not a punisher", your son hopes to get an answer according to an adult. If it is necessary to solve a bad behavior instantly, try to remove the child from the conflict, it is important that you do it quietly, and sit in a place where you can reassure both. If you are too upset do not talk to him instantly and go somewhere else where you can relax too. When tempers have calmed down, he returns to try to solve the problem from the dialogue.

2- Private punishment or the educational consequence is our best ally to avoid hitting the child aunque, although often it is not the best way to educate, but at least we will not be talking about physical violence. Usually it is enough to warn about the consequences if you continue with your attitude, but above all give an explanation about why you should not act like this, in a calm way and looking at the eyes of the child, is usually the most effective way to solve the conflict. The more information more understanding on the part of the child.3-

The punishment must be done with a cool head and always be fulfilled. You can not punish if you can not carry out: 'you stay a month without watching television' or 'we do not go out all weekend', because you will have to break your punishment and the next time it will not be effective. Also the punishment must be something exceptional, if it becomes recurrent, then it is that the child is trying to draw attention to some more serious hidden problem. 4-

Punish immediately. You should not leave the punishment for when you think about it, because the child needs to know why he is punished before he is forgotten, but he will not be worth anything and will only have revenge wishes towards you instead of relating it to a consequence of his acts 5-

The so-called natural punishment is the most effective because it is teaching the child that his actions have consequences: if the irresponsible child forgets to take breakfast to school, he will be hungry; the same happens if he does not carry out his homework, or fight with his classmates. 6-

Encourages your autonomy. Children are often delighted when they have to help or are given responsibilities. Try to give them responsibility for something they usually put into problems such as dressing or brushing their teeth. 7- But if you really want to tackle the problem in a moment of stress, it is best to do the opposite of what you feel at that moment. If you are on the edge of the abyss because your son has behaved badly, go to him,

hug him, talk to him affectionately, show him that you love him and that you want to help him , that you are his best friend and try to put yourself in his situation. The child will be surprised by your reaction and will understand that you are someone to trust and not a person who attacks you when you most need help.8-

Give her time , because in the end the physical or verbal punishment is due to the lack of time we have to educate our children in a proper way and, therefore, it is a quick way to solve a problem, although it really it takes them away from us.