Saint Cecilia's Day, November 22nd. Names for girls

Cecilia is a name for girl of Latin origin meaning "the little blind woman". It is a name with a special musicality that may be perfect for your daughter. Cecilia is a very popular name that has not lost freshness with use and that highlights the beauty of any girl. He celebrates his name day on Nov

Cecilia is a name for girl of Latin origin meaning "the little blind woman". It is a name with a special musicality that may be perfect for your daughter.

Cecilia is a very popular name that has not lost freshness with use and that highlights the beauty of any girl. He celebrates his name day on November 22nd, which is the day of Saint Cecilia .Curiosities about the name Cecilia

Because of the meaning of her name, Cecilia has a special personality in which intu intuition predominates

. Their weapons to succeed in social relationships are their sympathy, their generosity and their tolerance. In addition, Cecilia is a creative spirit lover of freedom that exudes love for her friends. The name Cecilia is known throughout the world with some variations thanks to the Latin tradition.In English Cecily, in French Cecile or in German Cäcilie

, any of its forms is full of delicacy and seduction, even its diminutive Ceci, which we like especially for its affectionate tone. It may help you to choose the name of your baby Cecilia's relationship with music.Santa Cecilia herself is the patron of the musicians

, because according to the legend, while she was being tortured, she kept on singing. In addition, we remember the mythical singer of the 60s and 70s, Cecilia, with titles like "Un ramito de violetas" or "Dama, dama". The creative facet that is implicit in the name of your daughter is also seen in artists like the actress Cecilia Roth, or as Cecilia Gómez and her flamenco ballet. In addition, from Italy comes the opera singer Cecilia Bartoli and from Belgium, the actress Cecile de France.To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate his saint in the month of November, consult our calendar of names of Saints in November. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Vélez
