Ten names for popular girls in Peru in 2017

If you have not yet decided on the name of your future daughter we would like to propose these 10 ideas of the names that are going to be a trend in Peru in the next year 2017. Traditional names They are the most used in Peru and despite their tradition they never go out of style. Its origin is very

If you have not yet decided on the name of your future daughter we would like to propose these 10 ideas of the names that are going to be a trend in Peru in the next year 2017.

Traditional names They are the most used in Peru and despite their tradition they never go out of style. Its origin is very diverse although the names of Hebrew origin are protagonists. Among the most used names we find both simple and compound names.

Girl names that will be the trend in 2017 in Peru

1- María: is one of the most used names in Peru, both in its individual and compound forms. It is a name of Hebrew origin and its meaning is very controversial referring to most of the voices to 'excelsa' as the linkage of the symbolism of this name. María del Pilar, Ana María or María Isabel are the most used compound names.

2- Elizabeth: the origin of this name is English. The translation into Spanish is Isabel. Its meaning has to do with 'The one who loves God'.

3- Isabel: the origin of this name is very controversial. Some voices are based on a Hebrew origin of the same while others point to an Egyptian origin. Its meaning has to do with 'Promise of God'. Among the compound names most used with this name in Peru, we find María Isabel.

4- Rosa: is a name of Latin origin. It means 'beautiful as the rose flower'. Rosa María or Rosa Elena are the names most commonly used as compounds with the name Rosa in Peru.

5- Carmen: some voices point to a Hebrew origin whose meaning would be linked to 'Garden of God', while other experts maintain a Latin origin of this name in which case its meaning would refer to 'poems, music and singing' . María del Carmen or Carmen Rosa are the names composed with the name of Carmen more employees in Peru and that will be a trend in 2017.

6- Milagros: is a name of Latin origin. Its meaning alludes to 'Wonder'. It will be a trend in the next 2017 in Peru.

7- Patricia: 'that which is noble' is the meaning of this name of Latin origin. In ancient Rome it referred to the privileged social class of the patricians.

8- Ana: 'beneficent, compassionate or beautiful' are the meanings to which this name of Hebrew origin refers. In its composite form Ana María is one of the most used names in Peru and will be a trend in 2017.

9- Rosario: the origin of this name is Latin. It means 'cluster of roses'. María del Rosario or Rosario del Pilar are two of the most used compound forms in Peru with this name.

10- Pilar: is a name of Spanish origin. It means 'Admiración a la virgen del Pilar'. María del Pilar, Rosario del Pilar and Rocío del Pilar are the three most common compound names in Peru with this name and that will continue to be protagonists in the Latin country in 2017.