Toys suitable for children Asperger

Asperger syndrome is a disorder of neurobiological origin that is included within the autistic spectrum disorders (T.E.A). Language, communication and social interaction are the 3 most affected areas in the child with Asperger. Areas that we can stimulate and improve through the game by offering the

Asperger syndrome is a disorder of neurobiological origin that is included within the autistic spectrum disorders (T.E.A). Language, communication and social interaction are the 3 most affected areas in the child with Asperger. Areas that we can stimulate and improve through the game by offering them those toys that best suit their specific needs.

How each child is unique and different is important knowing what he likes and dislikes before choosing any type of toy especially if he is a child hypersensitive to touch, bright colors or loud sounds.

How children are Asperger

Asperger's disorder is characterized by:

- Difficulties for social interactions.

- Reduced interest.

- Repetitive behaviors or stereotypes.

- Hypersensitivity (auditory, visual, tactile and olfactory).

- Difficulties in the use of language for communicative purposes (literal understanding what they hear or read, do not understand double meanings, metaphors, irony or jokes)

What toys are best suited for a child with Asperger?

We highlight toys and activities that can be done with other children to improve their social skills such as table games or role simulation. Especially important are also construction toys, creative and artistic to stimulate their attention, memory, language. All of them will help improve their self-esteem, motor skills, sociability and creativity.

Toys to stimulate verbal and non-verbal language. Through language, children learn to know their environment, communicate and establish relationships with others. In this section, all those question and answer games are especially important and together with those that require some kind of mimicry. In this case it is about board games, games that allow you to acquire knowledge about very different topics and learn to respect the rules of the social game and the turns, very important during your future.

Toys to enhance social skills. They are all those that allow symbolic play. It is the type of game in which children imitate other people or real or fictional characters. There should not be missing kitchens, doctor's cases, mechanic workshops, dollhouses, babies, fruits, vegetables, puppets ... Essential for the highly beneficial symbolic game for learning different social skills and especially empathy, that is, the ability to put oneself in the place of the other, a capacity that the child with Asperger needs to develop and improve.

Toys that enhance cognitive abilities. Here we find all those related to the assembly of pieces, puzzles, complex constructions, memory and observation games such as finding pairs or making associations between two pairs of elements.

Toys that develop motor skills such as inserting or stringing through a string of pearls, construction games with wooden blocks and stackable, marbles circuits

Toys to stimulate creativity for example those that allow to create figures of plasticine, place stickers or activities to cut and paste, make your own creations as masks and colored flags ...