The danger of raising digital orphans

Today's children since they are born have access to the latest generation of computers, tablets and mobile phones. They see their parents working with these devices and they are used to using them from an early age. We can call this type of children a " generation of digital natives" due to the norm

Today's children since they are born have access to the latest generation of computers, tablets and mobile phones. They see their parents working with these devices and they are used to using them from an early age.

We can call this type of children a "generation of digital natives" due to the normality with which they make use of new technologies. In turn, the misuse of this technology by both parents and children (because their parents do not know how to actively guide them) leads to the existence of digital orphans.When parents change their children for technology

In this case, digital orphans are those children whose parents pay more attention to technology than to the little ones

. They spend more time surfing the internet or using mobile phones than their families. It is common for this type of digital orphans to receive all kinds of basic care for their development, but they lack the basis on which all others are based:affection and attachment.

This type of parents prefer to delegate the care of their children to other people

such as: caregivers, grandparents, etc. In addition, even being physically in the same space, they are absent since they devote all their attention to social networks or, even, they can go so far as to choose to communicate through chats with the little ones. This makes children feel ignored and belittled. With what appears: - A lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem.

- Feeling of sadness.

- Low motivation and school performance

- Increase in shyness and aggressiveness

- Be less active socially

- Search for virtual relationships (without guidelines, nor rules on how to do it).

The care of children should not be delegated to technology

In the society in which we live where it is common for both parents to work and have extended hours,

it is very likely that the adults feel guilty for not being able to be all the time they want with their children, el and the little time they are struggling to mark the rules and limits being passive to the use of new technologies.

We can not delegate the education and care of children to technological devices. These types of devices can not adopt or replace adults in their role as parents. On the other hand, it is something that is part of today's society and can not be prohibited. Therefore, it is important that the attitude of parents is active, where adults set standards and limits the use of technologies. It is the parents' responsibility to guide children in the digital age. Nothing exempts adults from their parental duty. Some tips: -

Use them for a certain time.

This is achieved so that it does not become an addiction for both the child and the adult.

- Have all the "obligations" done before you can use them. Carry out, for example, some domestic tasks - Establish dialogue

. Leaving electronic devices aside, use a talk time. For example, the time to perform domestic chores could be done at the same time father and son to be able to have time together and talk. - The devices must be in a place in sight of the adult.

- Plan a time with the children while playing. Parents, especially when children are small or do not know the network they access should be with them while they use them

- Control in the access allowed for pages or games of their age.