36 Weeks of pregnancy

The development of pregnancy in the 36th week of gestation and the growth of the baby begins to be characterized by the lack of space. At this point of the third trimester of pregnancy you may have gained about 12 or 13 kilos of weight. Your baby begins to accumulate fat in his body and it goes roun

The development of pregnancy in the 36th week of gestation and the growth of the baby begins to be characterized by the lack of space. At this point of the third trimester of pregnancy you may have gained about 12 or 13 kilos of weight. Your baby begins to accumulate fat in his body and it goes rounding.

You may notice that your baby moves less aroundweek 36 of pregnancy. The reason is that the baby has grown so much that it has less room to move. At the same time, you will notice the lower abdomen due to the embedding of the fetus in the pelvis and probably begin to reduce the costal pains.

Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

From the week 36 of pregnancy it is also common to notice that the gut gets hard from time to time, especially when you walk or climb stairs. They are the false contractions or contractions of Braxton Hicks, which should not be confused with labor contractions that are rhythmic, regular, increase in intensity and are painful.

However, if you have contractions, it is advisable that your gynecologist do a cervical scan to see the characteristics of your cervix. A neck is unmodified when it is posterior, hard, closed and long. As the neck is modified, it is softened, shortened, centered and opened. With this examination, the degree of shortening of the neck is evaluated, which usually occurs before dilatation occurs in women who are going to give birth for the first time. In women who have given birth before, the effacement of the cervix occurs at the same time as dilation.

In week 36you may have gained 12 or 13 kilos of weight e, and may even rise another kilo for the next four weeks. In this week 36 and in the next few weeks it will be harder for you to breathe. This is because the uterus has reached a thousand times its original capacity, and being under the ribs compresses the lungs.Development and growth of the baby in pregnancy

In week 36 of pregnancy, the baby weighs about 2,750 grams and measures 46 cm. If born now, it would be considered premature, as its maturity process continues. Your skin begins to get more pink thanks to its accumulations of fat and is losing the lanugo (fine hair).

You have less room to move due to the increase in size, even though the amount of amniotic fluid has decreased. The baby swallows and performs swallows of amniotic fluid. In the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy, most babies are already in cephalic presentation, although it is possible that your little head has not yet been fitted in your pelvis. The bones of the head are fully formed, but are still soft and flexible, in order to adapt to the birth canal. The organs and systems continue to mature and will develop their functions independently.

Health and emotions during pregnancy

During the 36th week of pregnancy you may suffer from swelling due to fluid retention. Contrary to what may seem, stop drinking water can only complicate the problem. Drinking at least 2 liters of water a day is good, since this way the waste is better eliminated through the kidneys, more urine is passed, the intestinal movement is favored and the volume of blood is maintained.

In addition, fitting the baby who is preparing to go out into the world can increase the pressure in the lower belly and make walking uncomfortable.

The closeness of the moment of birth can generate some anxiety due to the fear of childbirth and the unknown. Avoid any stress situation, as it can negatively affect the baby, try to relax to the fullest practicing relationship techniques such as yoga, tai chi, Pilates or breathing exercises.

Diet and diet for the pregnant

To combat the acidity and constipation that usually occurs during this stage of pregnancy, it minimizes the consumption of fatty and spicy foods, as well as the intake of chocolate, citrus fruits and coffee. Make small, frequent meals, and eat slowly, chewing each bite completely.

The swelling, although it seems strange, is reduced by drinking more water during the day and decreasing the consumption of salt and salty foods, such as olives and nuts with salt.

If you notice that you have gas and do not expel them easily, avoid accumulating air in the intestine avoiding leaving your stomach empty, sitting upright while eating and avoiding lying down immediately after eating. You must wait at least half an hour.

Curiosities of the 36th week of pregnancy

Dreaming about the moment of delivery and with the baby is very common. The desire to know him, to want to see his face and hold him in his arms makes the baby the protagonist of the dreams of many future mothers in the weeks before childbirth. Control anxiety and keep calm, being nervous in the face of childbirth can hinder your development. Enjoy the rest to the fullest, complete all the preparations for the arrival of the baby and, if you have not yet decided by the name you are going to put your baby, it is time to think about it.