Psoriasis in children. Causes and treatment

If your child scratches the skin insistently and you see that it has very localized red spots , it may be psoriasis. It is not the same as dermatitis, chicken pox or measles. The spots that come out are like plates full of scales. It is a chronic disease. The good news is that children often respond

If your child scratches the skin insistently and you see that it has very localized red spots, it may be psoriasis. It is not the same as dermatitis, chicken pox or measles. The spots that come out are like plates full of scales. It is a chronic disease. The good news is that children often respond well to treatment and psoriasis can be controlled.

What is psoriasis in children

Psoriasis is a skin disease. It appears when skin cells accumulate on the skin surface. It is not a contagious disease, but it is chronic. It may disappear and reappear later. It has no cure, but there are very effective treatments to mitigate the symptoms.

Symptoms of childhood psoriasis

The main symptom of this skin disease is the appearance of red spots, broad plaques that have thick, whitish or pearly scales. They produce pain, itching or itching, so it is very annoying for the child. The affected area becomes dry and often has cracks that can bleed.

This disease affects both sexes and there are usually no cases before two years of age. Most buds appear after puberty.

Psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body, but mostly affects the scalp, knees, elbows and torso. If it appears in a visible place, it can psychologically affect the child, who is often ashamed of his physical appearance. Many children with psoriasis also have low self-esteem and need constant support from parents and even psychological help from a specialist.

Causes of psoriasis in children

There is a strong genetic component. Children with parents with psoriasis have a 50% chance of developing the disease. However the specific causes that cause it are not known. It is an autoimmune disease in which T lymphocytes attack healthy skin as if trying to heal a wound or fight an infection. The skin cells reach the surface at a faster rate and accumulate to form red spots full of scales.

What is known is what factors make an outbreak of psoriasis worse. Among them we find:

- The emotional stress.

- Obesity. Psoriasis can accumulate in the folds of the skin and make the treatment more complicated.

- An infection, such as pharyngitis, because it activates a response of the immune system.

- The cold weather. It is shown that the sun, always moderately, benefits the child with psoriasis.

- Skin infections, such as sunburn or scratches.

Treatment of childhood psoriasis

There are many treatments for this disease. It will depend to a large extent on the type of psoriasis your child has. There are topical treatments, creams with corticosteroids that are applied directly on the affected area. There are also special shampoos made with salicylic acid or coal tar. For some cases phototherapy is recommended (with ultraviolet light) and in extreme cases, oral or injectable medications.

Although it can not be prevented, there are some factors that help to delay the onset of a new outbreak of psoriasis and to mitigate the symptoms. For example, healthy eating, which includes a lot of fruit and vegetables, proper skin hygiene (during the outbreak of psoriasis are good baths with oils or salts) and walks so that the child receives moderate light from the Sun.