What to give to babies of 1 and 2 years for Christmas

The Christmas is the best time of the year to strive for gifts. It is the most magical date of the year to think about what to give to loved ones and how to get the right gift. Children are the main protagonists of Christmas, and gifts are designed especially for them. But what to give babies betwee

The Christmas is the best time of the year to strive for gifts. It is the most magical date of the year to think about what to give to loved ones and how to get the right gift. Children are the main protagonists of Christmas, and gifts are designed especially for them. But what to give babies between one and two years for Christmas? In Guiainfantil.com we find a way to get the right gifts for the youngest children this Christmas.

Gift ideas for babies of 1 and 2 years at Christmas

- Stimulating toys. Stimulation is very important for children. From your body, through your sight, smell, hearing and even taste, all your senses are alert to learn. Christmas is the perfect time to give toys to babies one and two years old and that way they put all their interest in having at their fingertips, their ears or their eyes the most stimulating products. Toys that can touch, tighten, with which they can dance or hum, as well as stimulate their own psychomotricity is the most beneficial and a great Christmas idea. Examples: musical instruments, dolls that make noises, rattles, etc.

- Transportable toys. A stroller that crawls, a motorcycle that works with pedals, a bike adapted to its small size ... transportable toys are also a good idea to give to babies between one and two years, because in addition to helping them with their movement and motor skills, they will make you have fun. They are also stimulating toys, especially for babies who start to stand and take their first steps.

- Clothing. Although it is not something that they will enjoy in the first person, we must recognize that baby clothes are a very practical gift for children between one and two years. From coats for low temperatures, to ideal accessories for Christmas such as hats or gloves, maybe a good shoe, or a nice suit for the holidays, all the garments are welcome.

- Stories. Children like their dads and moms to read them stories, but they also love to enjoy those special books for babies that can touch, pass pages that are cardboard and interact with the ornaments that are included. In this way, in addition to enjoying listening to family readings, you can also touch them. There are plastic books for bath time, and fabrics, lighter for the little ones.

- Accessories. But if babies love between one and two years something is to have all kinds of ornaments nearby to enjoy their textures. From soft toys, soft blankets to cubes or even teethers. Babies who start being children love everything that allows them to stimulate their senses, especially sight and touch. There are cushions with lights that make noises ... babies love them.

Important: Toys are important stimulation tools, but remember that playing with the baby is the best gift for him. Guiainfantil.com invites you to #ConectaConTuHijo.