Most common language problems in children

Speech therapy is a health discipline that is responsible for preventing, diagnosing, assessing and correcting speech, language, voice, hearing and swallowing disorders. But, what are the most common pathologies in children age related to speech therapy? In we explain some of the mo

Speech therapy is a health discipline that is responsible for preventing, diagnosing, assessing and correcting speech, language, voice, hearing and swallowing disorders.

But, what are the most common pathologies in children age related to speech therapy? In we explain some of the most frequent.

Most common problems in which children come to the speech therapist

Dislalia:It is one of the most common disorders related to speech, and means "to speak badly". It is defined as an alteration in the articulation of a phoneme or a group of phonemes. If the child mispronounces a single phoneme we speak of simple dyslalia, while if there are several we would be talking about a multiple dyslalia.

To correct this problem, a logopedic intervention must be carried out, consisting of indirect intervention and direct intervention. During the indirect intervention will work aspects such as breathing, relaxation, murmur and orofacial motor skills.

Once these aspects have been worked on, the direct intervention consisting of influencing aspects such as articulation of the isolated phoneme, repetition of words and repetition of sentences among others will be worked on in parallel.

Dysphonia:Voice is the sound that is produced in the larynx from exhaled lung air. This sound is amplified and modified in the resonance cavities and articulated in the oral cavity.

Dysphonia refers to the alteration of one or several acoustic qualities of the voice (frequency, intensity, timbre and duration). This pathology is more frequent in children than we all think. It is important to keep in mind that we should not think that if a child suffers dysphonia it is compulsory because he screams too much. There are different causes that can produce this alteration. Some of them are the following:

- Vocal abuse.
- Pathological family history.
- Respiratory affections.
- Emotional and psychological aspects.
- Inappropriate vocal models.

Speech therapy is used to work on aspects such as posture, relaxation, breathing and voice projection. This treatment must be accompanied by guidelines for vocal hygiene for both the child and his family, such as maintaining an adequate state of hydration or avoiding raising the voice in noisy environments, among others.ADHD:

One of the most common problems that can appear in children is the attention deficit, which is a neurobiological disorder that appears in childhood and involves a pattern of attention deficit, hyperactivity and / or impulsivity that may be or not associated with other comorbid disorders.Due to this problem, other abilities may be affected, such as memory, perception and literacy. Children who have this disorder

may have communication problems as they grow up . These alterations appear especially at school if they do not receive sufficient attention in the language area. This is where the figure of the speech therapist intervenes.Alteration in reading and writing:

Reading and writing are two extremely important lessons in the beginning of children's schooling. Proper acquisition will influence the child's school success and also their communication skills. Therefore, it is important to detect these alterations early to intervene as soon as possible and avoid later problems.Within the alterations of the writing, we emphasize the dyslexia, that is a disorder in the reading that is not due to intellectual disability neither to physical or psychological problems.

On the other hand,

in the area of ​​writing we can differentiate between dysgraphia and disortography. In the first case, the child presents an alteration in the form or content of the writing; in the second, it presents a specific and significant deficit in the area of ​​spelling. Language delay:

Language delay is a alteration in the development of language characterized by a lag in the acquisition of language skills in relation to the child's chronological age, without biological or psychological causes explain it. It is a very frequent pathology. If your child has this disorder, it is important to go to the speech therapist to work on aspects such as the pre-language requirements (orofacial motor skills, auditory discrimination, breathing, relaxation and murmur), the components of speech and language (articulation, grammar, pragmatics and non-verbal language), expression and understanding and thus prevent subsequent problems in the field of written language.

If you detect that your child may have any of these alterations, do not hesitate to consult your pediatrician and a speech therapist to assess the need for treatment.