How to cope with having a child with ADHD

Living with a child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is not an easy task. It is an undeniable fact that having a child with ADHD influences the dynamics of the family and generates stress in the parents. Many parents do not have the tools or resources necessary to deal with and m

Living with a child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is not an easy task. It is an undeniable fact that having a child with ADHD influences the dynamics of the family and generates stress in the parents.

Many parents do not have the tools or resources necessary to deal with and manage their child's behaviors in an appropriate way and, as a result, this generates feelings of frustration and helplessness. Consejos 4 basic tips for parents of children with ADHD

Knowing ADHD and learning to effectively manage the inappropriate behaviors that the child manifests, is the key to reducing the level of tension

between family members and improving the environment In the home. Therefore, in this article, we offer you some recommendations: 1- Do not lose control.

Emotions are highly contagious and we can not forget that parents are the main model for their children. So, if our goal is for the child to listen to us and internalize what we are saying, it is important that we address him with great affection and firmness, but always from a state of calm and tranquility (take care of the tone of voice, crouch at your height and stare into your eyes, adopt a comfortable and relaxed body posture, avoid accusations and reproaches, etc.).

2- Do not label the child.

It is highly recommended that parents do not define the child by their behavior. Avoid expressions such as: "you are bad", "you are stupid", "you are nervous", "you are confused", etc. This can alter the child's self-esteem and encourage him to build a negative image of himself. Allusions should be made to his behavior and not to the child itself. That is, it is not the same to say "you are bad" that "your behavior right now is not being right".

3- Establish norms and limits.

A child with clear norms and well-defined limits is a happy child. It is necessary that there is constant discipline at home and that parents apply proportional and consistent consequences every time the child makes inappropriate behavior. This will help the child develop strategies of self-control and self-regulation.

4- Reinforce positive behaviors.

On many occasions, parents of children with ADHD spend most of their time pointing out what they do wrong, and sometimes forget to point out and reinforce what they do well. If we want a behavior to be repeated we must reinforce it, so if the child shows appropriate behavior, pick up his toys for example, it is recommended that we praise and congratulate him (well, we are proud of you! You have done it very well!). Reinforcing the appropriate behaviors we favor that the behavior repeats itself.