How to help the child with language delay

Currently, a large number of children are diagnosed with language delay. But, what is it and what repercussions does it have? Language delay is an alteration in the development of language that is characterized by a gap in the acquisition of language skills in relation to the child's chronological a

Currently, a large number of children are diagnosed with language delay. But, what is it and what repercussions does it have? Language delay is an alteration in the development of language that is characterized by a gap in the acquisition of language skills in relation to the child's chronological age, without biological or psychological causes to explain it. In we tell you how you can help your child overcome the delay in the language.

Symptoms of language delay in children

There are a number of aspects that may be affected if a child suffers from language delay. They can be divided into linguistic and non-linguistic symptoms, as we will see below.

Regarding linguistic symptoms, we will highlight the following:

- Phonology. The acquisition of phonemes is slow and disorganized.

- Morphology and syntax. The expression of the child is very low, may appear amatism, disorganization of the sentence ...

- Semantics: the vocabulary of these children is very limited, and present difficulties when evoking words, organizing semantic fields, repeating words and phrases ...

- Pragmatic: uses primary communicative functions and its language is usually linked to non-verbal language.

Your expression may also be compromised.

Accompanying these symptoms may also appear non-linguistic aspects that may suggest problems in the acquisition and development of language. These symptoms range from cognitive aspects (symbolic play, memory, structuring of time space ...) to behavioral aspects (disturbances of attention, tantrums ...) passing through perceptual aspects (auditory discrimination, problems to identify the origin of sound) and psychomotor aspects ( praxical difficulties and alterations of lateralization among others).

How to talk to your child if you are diagnosed with language delay?

- First of all, it is important to know that we must adapt the language to the child. We must speak slowly, correctly pronouncing all the phonemes that make up the word, especially those that the child does not pronounce correctly. Por - On the other hand, it is important to accompany our parallel non-verbal communication language to facilitate the understanding of language

. - We must respect the speaking turns, taking into account that the shifts may be longer than usual. Además - In addition,the syntactic constructions must be simple

, adapting to the child's abilities, but bearing in mind that they must always be correctly structured.

- It is important that parents develop observation skills to appreciate the progress the child is making. Also, it is important to take into account that you have to encourage spontaneous expression and avoid frustration by not being understood.

The parents and the environment of these children should adopt a positive attitude and be proud of their progress. In this way, the child will be motivated by speech therapy intervention and will be more willing to talk. How can the speech therapist help the child?With logopedic intervention, the following objectives are to be achieved:

- To improve knowledge about the prerequisites to language development, such as orofacial motor skills, auditory discrimination, breathing, relaxation and murmur.

- Enhance the components of speech and language: articulation, grammar, pragmatics, non-verbal language.

- Develop correct oral expression and comprehension.

- Prevent possible later problems in the field of written language, both in reading and in writing.

Cristina Arroyo.

Speech therapist

As in all pathologies susceptible to logopedic intervention,

it is essential that an early diagnosis be carried out to correct the problem early and avoid the appearance of later disorders in other areas, such as reading, between others Therefore, if you detect any of the symptoms mentioned above, do not hesitate to consult your speech therapist!