Why it's good for children to get bored

How many times parents have heard their children say: Me I'm bored! Faced with this expression, parents can respond in two very different ways. In Guiainfantil.com we tell you what these reactions can be and we tell you what is the most appropriate if our children complain of boredom. Reactions from

How many times parents have heard their children say: Me I'm bored! Faced with this expression, parents can respond in two very different ways. In Guiainfantil.com we tell you what these reactions can be and we tell you what is the most appropriate if our children complain of boredom.

Reactions from parents when the child is bored

1- The immediate response of many adults is that of over stimulation. That is,

immediately seek something that can be entertained. Even, in times of vacations we schedule them leisure days so that they have all their time occupied. His entertainment is totally directed. The parents proceed with their children in these situations because the "doing nothing" is socially very badly valued. Acting like this, parents achieve the opposite effect to the one they seek. Since children can or can not comply with these activities but do not really look at what they want.

Give them everything done and planned does not help them but makes children even more dependent and overprotected. In addition, adults run the risk of ending up exhausted and frustrated if what they propose is not liked by children.

2- But be careful ... Another response from parents may be

not paying attention . Which would mean leaving them at ease without attention, or without encouragement.Benefits of boredom for children

Boredom is the prelude to creativity.

Children should use that time in which nothing satisfies them (they get bored) to create and invent. Children today are very busy and saturated with tasks and activities. This means that when there is a free moment they do not know how to manage it and they demand more activities from the parents.

Free time is essential since many great ideas arise in these moments of relaxation

. In this freedom the child can develop many positive capacities for his growth. Thanks to boredom, the child develops personal autonomy, his own thoughts, opens his mind to new ideas and develops the imagination.What to do if the child is bored

- Telling him what to do can be harmful.

Parents must lose their fear that the child will get bored and give them the opportunity to do things and discover how to entertain themselves to acquire skills such as being more tolerant, creative and decisive. Es - It is normal for parents to hear the expression "I'm bored" assume that the child refers to monotony or boredom to find something that distracts him. But sometimes, this term has another meaning and we should reflect on it.

- When the child says he is bored, it does not always respond to an emotion of boredom. Many children when they are sad, upset with something, or afraid, resort to this phrase to express their emotions.

Therefore, it is important that parents can discover what emotion is behind the child's demand so that they can help in the proper way.